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$lick $loth

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Everything posted by $lick $loth

  1. #freesilton
  2. @Silton didn't know you were so famous?!?
  3. MK-1's & Roleplay
  4. We used to hang out in those parts as a kid, we'd go out and look for AIDS contaminated needles to jab the vigis with. Now theres laws and shit
  5. I am from Altis, I was born and raised in Pygros in a little cottage overlooking the ocean.
  6. Yea, and i'd rather shootup 'till I fall
  8. @hawk @Grego alright boys thanks for the reply appreciate it!
  9. Someone link the Olympus Discord plz, cheers.
  10. Yea definitely a hacker. If you look at Happy's video it has to be one of the guys on the player list. I was ejected out of my helicopter and other gang members were being killed randomly, multiple times.
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