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About Deshoku

R&R Medic
APD Officer

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. you'd think so but it is @ Milo
  2. Just all in every hand. either everyone folds and you win buy ins or you fast elim everyone
  3. @ Milo cant have shit in altis.
  4. Fixed it for you @ Fraali
  5. @ -dante- gives reductions though what?? just gotta tell him that youre not sorry and youd do it again.
  6. I'd like to thank all the staff members who work so hard to keep the community happy, maybe one day @ -dante- can follow suit. My fault I forgot to also thank @ Milo
  7. Bro smelling his own breath and blaming others. We have hygiene products here in America.
  8. Maybe if your brain wasn’t as smooth as the salt flats you’d realize i am on topic
  9. I think you misunderstand what people say because whatever you use to translate doesn’t pickup on slang. i don’t think you’re retarded because of where you’re from, i just know you’re actually retarded.
  10. how tf is he racist when he just hates everyone equally
  11. So many stories about @ -dante- this month we could write a book and start a new religion of a spiteful god
  12. Bro whyd you autohover so fast
  13. We wasnt gunna pick you up anyways.
  14. ???? @ Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup IS the rdmer.
  15. Actually with the recent updates we changed “red zone” to “casino”
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