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s1Lky sL1m

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Everything posted by s1Lky sL1m

  1. They are following you for the 5 minutes. "Combat skirtting," you say? Wouldn't combat skirtting be a thing in every refusal of RP engagement? Its not your fault they can't properly fire upon you. They should have planned it better. You're saying you should land and let them attack or you are facing a possible ban? Doesn't make sense to me.
  2. So you are in a helicopter and get a text from a helicopter following you saying land or die. If you don't comply and keep flying and they are not able to shoot at you from their helicopter, no ground units shoot at you, and no additional texts are received, (no hostile actions or engagement communication whatsoever) is the engagement over after 5 minutes? Can you store your helicopter at this 5 minutes?
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