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APD Officer
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About 4familyfun

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  1. i'll buy it but ill pm you the price but it wont let me i have a relly good offer
  2. @MBPslyr how much for Zafir with 2 mags ???
  3. i dont know his name but he couldent hepl me at the time because there was a prison break at the time and he told me to just sell it he has to got there were only like 3 cops on including him
  4. well the whole story was there was two Mar-10s in the middle of entrence to the car dealer and i pick one up and took it to a cop and i have a medic witness that saw them there mean and him arived at the same time and i picked it up and asked him to take me to the PD HQ and he did and a cop came and i asked him do i get a finders fee if i turn it in and he said ya but u should B line it to your house and sell it and thats what i did and now im trying to sell it and i know it is worth at least like 15 -20 mill easy so can you help me ??
  5. server 3 and like 9-10 PST
  6. well thank you for proving my story i appreciate it
  7. ok name a price above 4 mill
  8. i just wanted to see if i could sell it it is totally legal if you want to buy it its a 18 mill now if you want to buy it they told me to sell it for 30 35 million so that is what i started to sell it for as well as i wanted to reduce it because it is 15 million off 35 seemed too much
  9. i know it sounds wired but it was crazy and true there was a medic who was there and an APD officer i talked to and they were both crazy about it and so was i and 3 other people that tryed to get it and i got it ? i dont know what to say i was in the right place in at the right time
  10. i said if i get a finders fee for it and he said u need to b line it to your nearest house and sell it on the forums that was a quote from the officer
  11. ya there were two on the the ground i have a medic witness that they were just there and a few other people i went to the cops with it and they wanted me to sell it and they told me to sell it for 30 35 mill
  12. i know how much they sell for im not that stupid but i will sell to you if u want to buy for gun with suppressor 20 mill
  13. I have a Mar-10 with suppressor and im willing to sell it for 20 million there is no ammo i have one mag that is it.
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