I have had several questions that I have gathered over the 200 hours I have played on the server so far that are not exactly clear in the rules or I am too dumb to see. Is shooting a car with no one in it initiation on the person. Other than crossfire, are you allowed to kill someone in restraints for ANY reason, like say they are giving permission. If you get RDMed, without initiation, does NLR count. Does NLR count if your friends kill you. If you get rdmed by someone are you able to shoot them if you see them later still killing people, say out of fear of your own life, or do you just run or take the L. Does NLR count if you spawn in the the city or whatever to grab gear or something, and immediately leave without engaging anybody. Are you able to just kill cops or do you have to initiate (this one I'd really like to know because multiple people tell me different.) These are some questions I'd like to know before I go accidentally breaking a whole bunch of rules and getting banned. I will most likely have more questions in the future but for the time being this is all I'd like to know.