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Everything posted by Hafiz

  1. Hafiz


    Thank you all I really appreciate it! Will do next time nice seeing you here ThatNerdyGuy I really like playing with you very chill.
  2. Hey there everyone so me and my gang are trying to get really good at cartels especially arms dealer one. Can anyone please take the time and write me a detailed way on how to setup a capture and how to defend it when someone goes to capture it and if you can pinpoint me locations on the map on like where to go to capture and defend we have a really hard time dealing with cartels and we really want to get better. I would very much appreciate it if a good cartel player can give us detailed response because we always see helis ifrits and all of that we don’t really know how to counter it. MOST OF the time we get killed without knowing where the enemy is which is very very annoying. Also what guns and gear should we use for the cartel for maximum efficiency
  4. You sure?
  5. That really helped not even going to lie thank you for that and do I have to make another application using different words for the next test after I failed?
  6. Thank you Bro I don’t know how I failed I felt it was easy too it was so weird
  7. Really? Blacklisted forever?
  8. Yeah not saying I will just curious thanks for your time bro
  9. So after 5 times I can’t take the test anymore?
  10. Hi I’ve recently failed one APD interview for deputy how many times can a reapply as in fail or is it unlimited until I get in
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