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About 555555555

  • Birthday 01/29/1999

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  1. Today she is 3 weeks and 1 day old, really felt this photo is cute and wanted to share it MWZMnHI.jpg

    1. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      Congrats man. Kids are totally life changing. But don’t be afraid to do what you think it right. Everyone parents different. 

    2. 555555555


      @ Skeeter McGraw Yeah basically me and my wife do things our way, what we aren't quite sure if we are doing right we usually just google and find out, but majority of stuff is easy, I mean, I thought it'll be hard, but we're also super lucky because she only wakes up once at night, eats and then back to sleep, so yeah, we got hella lucky cuz she lets us sleep

    3. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      @ xanx My son was the same way, still is really, Luckily he is 2. Got another one the way, and I already know this one is gonna give me a run for my money. 

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