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Everything posted by Wheatkings

  1. There are something like 168 officers currently White Listed in the APD. Responsible for them are: 5 SGTs and 2 LTs and 1 Captain. There is something like 5-10 more applications for APD per day. When the LTs do interviews they do anywhere from 5-10 at a time and then run them through the basic training and gear up. It may take a few days to get to you. The current process was put in place to weed out those who wont be able to handle dealing with the general trolling that we have to deal with. If you don't have patience to wait for your interview, then you most likely wont have enough patience to deal with the crap storm that is Kav Square. Take the extra time to ensure that you have read and learned the server rules (very important), the APD Handbook and the Ticket Guide, if you can't pass the questions asked of you, you wont get White Listed.
  2. I doubt he'll have time, This entire topic has already been removed once today and he's posted it two more times. I expect not only will these posts be removed again, but he'll also be seeing a mod purview put on his posting or he'll be removed from being able to post at all.
  3. Not finding it after posting it the first time wasn't a hint enough? You have a problem with how someone conducted themselves on the server submit a ticket because its only going to get removed from here. If the admins (and there were two there watching that night, one playing as cop and the other spectating invisibly) had any issues with how things went down they would have dealt with it. The situations are not separate from when Rusty was downed and since Rusty announced himself it is ok for follow up cops to not announce themselves when going into that area since the individuals and the 50 Cal were still there and should have reasonably known that officers would be there relatively quickly. TCA was banned for breaking the rules. Snake did not break the rules. He came up on a situation and downed everyone in the area who were or could potentially be a hazard to himself, other officers and civilians. All were restrained for continued safety until the situation was neutralized. At the end, your lucky that the officer didn't realize you were wearing police issue equipment (barret & NVGs) because I would have been damn sure to ensure you were charged for that. Now any time your done whining about a non-issue, feel free. Maybe you should join the TCA guys wherever they ended up going because its clear that you have no time to review the rules here nor have a care at following them.
  4. And it may not have even been Poseidon, it could have been the admin bot auto booting you for whatever you said. Why don't you PM the guy instead of crying about on the forums trying to stir a pot no one else cares about?
  5. They will contact you. Make sure you are waiting in the R&R Waiting to Be Whitelisted channal and someone will come and see you.
  6. It has nothing to do with Olympus. We are at the mercy of our server hosts and them updating the servers. I'm sure our admin team have messaged them in an attempt to speed up the patch installation. We'll just have to wait until its done.
  7. Its a waiting game with the server host. As soon as they're updated it'll be good to go.
  8. Nov 4th for the new AMRA3 DLC! Its looking sick!

    1. zetherin


      Yea it's looking sweet

    2. PoLaRBe4r


      Why you so expensive DLC. comon steam, DLC sale damnit!

  9. Only if they have a passenger... the drivers wont be able to shoot and they'd have their weapon out so I expect people might see them coming.... if they're lucky
  10. Both heli's are transport/supply/heavy lift choppers. Here's the link to the Chopper DLC: http://arma3.com/news/arma-3-helicopters-dlc-available-on-november-4th#.VCTOhvldW1Y
  11. Servers are full all the time Phaze... I don't know why you have such a chip on your shoulder but if your not happy here then there are plenty of other places that you can play or forums browse/troll. Pack up the negativity and play the game... or go elsewhere.
  12. its going to be a lot of fun with only 24 players per server
  13. I wonder if the cause of the rule breaking we see as vigi's is because we call it vigilante. There is a major different between Vigilante and a Bounty Hunter. Batman is a vigilante... DOG is a bounty hunter. Vigilante's do not follow the law, Bounty Hunters do. Its an advertising thing... we're advertising it as a Vigilante people will do Vigilante things, maybe if we switched it to Bounty Hunter or Bail Bonds Recovery Agents it might change peoples perspectives on the role and therefore how they play?
  14. When dealing with trolls don't just throw part of the ticket book at them, throw everything you can!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wheatkings


      Meh Its all in the delivery. RP+Justified charges is key!

    3. Sam1898


      Bobey was talking about Polarbear

    4. Bobey


      ya i meant the flashbang part xD I always threw the book and the station at them

  15. I know there is... I can't for the life of me remember who was though... wait... Paw was for a couple of years I think he said... but there were a few more too.
  16. Good to hear you'll at least be here for R&R. I'll make sure there's lots of work for ya when I'm on!
  17. Read them again.... those are not licenses, those are _______ training
  18. That is not what you said last night....
  19. Oh I thought I was very professional.....
  20. Snake can't give you all his money. I made him pay for "it" last night and I wasn't cheap.....
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