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Posts posted by Wheatkings

  1. I could make it so people cant die while getting escorted, if people want that kinda thing.


    LOL I'm sure APD would be for it.  Though most like the the gangs wouldn't... cause then they wouldn't be able to just shoot their friends so they can respawn instead.  BWT that is not what I'm saying Toad did to Stealth at all here, I'm just saying that it does happen a lot.

    • Like 1
  2. i shot at a helicopter and i got a 7 day ban wtf. last time a group of people ran up on me they didn't say anything and shot me dead.  This is not fair at all. did they guys that shot me without saying anything get 7 day ban? 




    If evidence was submitted against you then you got the ban you deserved.  If evidence is submitted against those that you are complaining about then yes they get their bans too.  Also, this is not the place to discuss this.

  3. i agree in so many ways that a full wipe would be good but i reckon we could see alot of the veteran players leave due to all the hard work they have put in would be lost!!


    If they decide to leave then they weren't here for the RP which is the primary function of this game & servers

    • Like 2
  4. I think you have a very one sided view of how a server wipe will fix issues.  And its not surprisingly a negative one because you are going to loose something/everything.


    Its clear that when the server has people with hundreds of millions of dollars that there is something wrong with the economy of the servers.  There isn't enough for people to buy, prices aren't high enough, ect ect.  When people are able to stockpile more money then they could realistically spend it behooves us to figure out where the issues lie and correct them.


    I'm sure there will be some economic twerks along with the server wipe because as you say, if you don't fix the root cause, the wipe will have been done for nothing.

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  5. You say, that I have attitude. But all I did is express my opinion. Did I yell or anything, no. I was claim and collected. I pointed out stuff that I saw fit. And I deal with RDM'ers and loggers all the time as a Vigi. So it's expected it will happen as a cop as well. Trust me I'm one of the nicest and funniest people you will meet.  All i'm saying is let me prove you I know what i'm doing. Y'all blew me off after my interview. And when I tried to explain my self. Y'all could careless. You gotta understand that.


    Side note, why ban me off TS? The reason is this. "Love you, please write the rules." Like why? I did nothing to instigate a TS ban. Ty


    You and a number of other people got it into their heads that they deserve to be APD.  So you decided to argue with the SGTs when they informed you that you'd failed.  It doesn't matter why you failed.  As far as the testing goes, if you got one question wrong you can fail the entire interview.


    You expressed your frustration with the test in a very heated way.  You raised your voice which just isn't necessary.  You argued.  You gave the SGTs, myself and Travis attitude because we didn't agree with your opinion on how we do the testing.


    As was mentioned to you we've been using this system for bringing in APD applicants for about 7 months.  Its worked quite well.  This particular group of applicants were the first group to complain about the system.  But we're not going to change the system because it weeded 15 people out of the process because they didn't learn some basic tenants of the APD Handbook.


    You need to realize that we literally see an average of 20 people each night Monday to Friday who have applied to APD.  That doesn't include the people that had their applications denied.  That's a total average of 100 people per week that the SGTs and LTs have to put through the paces of the interview.  Are we still short on APD members?  YES, forsure.  But we aren't going to compromise the system that has been designed to weed out those who don't really care about learning the rules that we must follow.


    As for your TS ban, I expect it had something to do with the fact that Travis didn't want to have to continue to listen to you arguing and wanted to ensure that none of the rest of the Senior APD or staff were subjected to further discussions on the matter either.  I suggest you submit a Ban appeal and explain how your going to drop the subject.


    This topic has now run its course and will be closed.

  6.   So today I did my second interview for my APD application. I failed both. However tho. I felt the system they use had flaws. I Then tried to speak to one of the moderators. We were having a civil conversation. Until one of the Admins (Travis). Came down and instantly started to be a dick. He dropped the he's a higher up card. And didn't let anyone speak, pretty much his word was final. It honestly was pissing my off but I stayed calm. And was nice. I was pointing out stuff life. "How some people will learn better for playing as a cop. Prior to just reading the APD handbook ( I did read it, 3 times.) And yet I failed my test. While in the TS both days. We and the others. Tested or quizzed each other. On stuff and made sure we knew what would be coming. Obviously that didn't help me. I tried to explain my past experience as playing cop on TheRevolutionGaming servers. And how I had months of "cop play," on those. 


      There are cops you see on the servers. Who don't even seem to know what they are doing half the time. Reason is. They can memorize stuff for a little bit go into a interview and pass it but yet fail at it in-game. Me on the other hand. I'm a hands on learner. Always been, threw school I had issues with test and ect. Threw the fact I could never learn from just reading something and just going at it. And y'all need ot understand that some people just can't pass it for that soul reason. 


    Now I understand that y'all made it "harder" to get into the APD since y'all have the bad cops that sneak by. And I for one am not one of those, "bad cops." I've played for months as a cop and know what  I am doing. For y'all to base if the person is cop material or not off a interview on some questions you learn as playing a cop. And or memorizing the handbook. Is lame. What I'm saying is that there should be another way to see if they are cop material or not. Who does it hurt if you pass someone who missed a question of two on the interview? No one, why because you watch over them a little bit more carefully. If they fail to meet the standards. Then remove them. It's something we do at work. We hire someone, and give them a chance. Even if there new to it. And you know I was one of those people. And threw working there for 6 months. I'm not one of the best employees. And I think y'all should give other peoples chances like that. If they don't seem like cop material at all. In the interview. Then don't give them a chance. But I know for a fact. When I was in my interview I was funny and confident. Made it for the interviewer. All and all I hope a Admin reads this and understands what I am saying. 


    Sincerely, Ben Dover


    Since I was the Mod that was down there trying to discuss the issue with you and your fellow failie I feel its ok for me to respond to you.


    I want to first say, that arguing with me does not a civil conversation make.  At times you were less argumentative then others, but the conversation was by no means civil from yourself and the other individual who failed.  Not to mention that I'd already told you to stop arguing about your failure with the SGTs after I realized that they were spending an inordinate amount of time sitting in the room which we had moved those who had failed the interview.


    The head for APD, Travis, entered the room and listened to you and your compatriot "heatedly discuss" your inability to pass the simple test that was given to you, decided that I should not be subjected to your attitudes any longer and then stepped in and informed you both of how it was and how it has been for 7 months.  He only got uppity when you both tried to interrupt and talk over him.


    The fact that you and the other individuals were unable to review and retain a simple bit of information which we use as a starting point, or baseline knowledge for the Deputy rank in APD is necessary so that we don't have to instruct you on everything.  Its bad enough when we have people who do pass start providing miss information once they get in the game as it creates a huge snowball effect where all of a sudden no one remembers what they were supposed to be doing with in the rules.


    I'll admit that I have been away from doing interviews for awhile.  I'll also admit that most of the applicant Deputies and even those that have passed interviews given by me would agree that I am one of the more difficult testers on staff.  Some staff are more lenient.  My personal belief is that if you want to be a part of a whitelisted group then you need to show and put the effort into learning the material provided, in this case the APD Handbook and Ticket Guide.  If you are unwilling to do so, then why should we be willing to whitelist you?


    Failing the test is just as much of a test as the interview itself is.  And you failed that too.  If you get like this because you fail the test, then how are you going to be able to deal with the shit RDM'ers or combat loggers or anyone who gives you attitude or claims you've broken the rules?  Are you going to fly off the handle with them as well?  


    Anyway, based on your performance last night and your post it appears that Travis made the correct decision to not allow you to apply to APD again.

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