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Posts posted by Wheatkings

  1. I've considered making the switch to. I'm sure the switch is easier if you are someone that doesn't pull a ton of viewers compared to someone that does. 


    right which is why I did it now.  I had no chance at subs for awhile but I had 46 people who follow me and I don't want to loose them.  I've started messaging them as I can to let them know that I'm moving over to Hitbox.tv.  Hopefully they'll follow me!

  2. I know that a number of you have followed me on Twitch and I want to let you know that I'll be moving my streaming over to Hitbox.tv.


    There were a number of factors in making the decision: problems that I've been experiencing on Twitch, their recent Hack earlier this week, not to mention the competition there is on Twitch to get viewers, I decided to take the plunge and was able to acquire an early partnership deal for myself and a number of friends (anyone who is looking for a partnership and is willing to switch to hitbox.tv let me know and I should be able to snag you in on the same deal too).


    Things are starting to settle and get back to normal for me so you should start seeing me on the servers a bit more instead of just here on the forums and TS.


    You can follow my channel here: hitbox.tv/Wheatkings

    Its a little bare bones at the moment but that will hopefully be cleared up soon.  Thanks ahead for any follows you guys can send my way!
  3. I remember you guys saying something like you was gonna remove bans from people who haven't gotten banned in a long time. IE I got banned twice when I first started playing the servers and I haven't been since I read the rules so since I've been a good little rp'er I was curious if my slate is wiped clean.

    Nope... we use the ban history to determine punishments.  It would be silly to clean out our database of past bans.

  4. It should go with out saying that when someone is perma banned that all associated accounts are also banned.  I'm not sure why someone would think otherwise and it shouldn't have to be specified in the rules that that is the case.  Crying a river on the forums is not the way to go about making any kind of change.  The mature thing to do would be to keep discussion in your ticket or accept the decision of the Head Admin.

  5. Ya from what I'm reading here APD did nothing wrong.  The new group of rebels should have been at the walls of the Gang Hideout before they started shooting in for it to NOT be RDM.  And since they were not in a red zone then no wave rule is required to be followed when responding to the guys shooting from the city.

  6. What i think is funny about the whole thing is i was talking about the new serial killer rule, untimately they said you have 15+ kills nothing else about your list add all the charges they want and say gg your going to jail and dont rp at all just your going to jail bye. Like what rp is that? But ultimately GG wants to bring something up and thats what this post turned into when i didnt say anything about my house being raided to begin with....


    Sure its about RP.  Your claiming that if you have 10> kills that APD need to RP and because of this serial killer rule that the cops don't have to RP.  Well... flip it around on yourself, why do you have to kill everyone you meet.  Why can't you use your plethora of cop weapons you say you have to taze someone and then rob them, why do you have to drop in and kill everyone?  

    • Like 2
  7. Driving down the street in my SUV, having a good time, when some guys claimed the gang hideout about 1 klick behind me. I slow down to about 30 KMH to pull over to check my map, when I hear VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM And all of a sudden Me and a Cop explode. Lost over 100K in gear, told the reason I wasn't given comp was because I was wanted...


    If you have an issue with how an officer acted report it.


    Hopefully you were smart enough to pull off to the side of the road before checking your map.

  8. Actually Mr Wheat i couldnt care less about the 700k worth of drugs that was seized, I was only worried about the MX C, MX, and MXM and tons of other police gear that was locked into a crate in the top locked door. We have money lol, Guns and Cop gear are a little harder to come bye, Which btw GUNS WERENT SEIZED IM HAPPY! :)


    Don't worry, we'll get it next time.

    • Like 3
  9. MMmmm not sure if it was them but I know someones been ambushing vehicles passing on the road there.  Its a good spot and a quick heal if you need it.  Good line of sight up and down both directions of the road and with a spotter on the roof you should have plenty of time to text.


    beats the constant flying around the map looking for people in their offroads to steal cause no one is running around with hemits.

  10. I like it if they can escort the guy and he cant be killed while being escorted i like it, I also like if the person was "being dragged". I just get aggitated when people say "YOU shot themon purpose" im sorry but i hella dont wanna pay for 180+ worth of gear, id much rather have them unrestrained and still fighting. Also "a slow" while escorting, because you cant run as fast as normal while you are moving someone, just saying. It might also make a cop think first before moving them because their life is worth something.


    It still happens all the time that people kill their buddies so they don't get ticketed.  While some people may not want to pay a $180K rebuy for gear... they may prefer that to the alternative which is paying a high bounty or spending time in jail.


    Either way I caught Poseidon's stream this morning while he was working on this so expect that escorted individuals will be invincible and not able to glitch restraints and they will have to be dragged so cops start calling back up for transport if you've moved a distance from your cruisers cause it'll take forever to get back dragging someone.


    So expect it in the next update.

    • Like 1
  11. How people are hating on me for the post if you notcie my original post was, no rp, straight to jail. Basically 15+ kills and they say bye thats all. GG no rp. but lets hate on the door i dont care about that. just saying. But if you wanna be technical about everything else being realistic, a cop wouldnt shoot threw a door not knowing if per say a "woman or child" was on the otherside. They would kick the door in and clear it. my $0.02.


    Your the one who brought it up, if you didn't want people responding to it then it shouldn't have been mentioned.


    Also... were there women or children there?  We all know there wasn't so unless you were yelling at the top of your longs I've got women and children hostages in here then the officer who saw you through a window and decided to take a shot is more then justified.


    I think your just mad because at the end your house was raided and over a Million in illegal weapons and drugs were seized.

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