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Posts posted by Wheatkings

  1. Credit cards?  No.  There will never be credit cards.  That would imply that we're lending out in game cash which just isn't a good strategy.


    There was talk about using something like a debit card, but there are so many other things that need to be worked on before something like this that I doubt we'll ever see it.

  2. With proper rp yes he can. However if he was not engaging in rp with you then no. 


    Please note the question in the OP, is it legal to run around and taze people.


    If the individuals have a bounty for $75K and are being taken in by the Vigi, yes it is legal.  If they do not have a bounty of $75K then it is Vigi abuse which is not only illegal, it is against the server rules.  That is why those individuals get sent straight to jail and have the weapon confiscated.

    • Like 1
  3. Papa Wheat's been busy and with his current situation it's mighty understandable. However maybe a system where if a staff has to be away for some time they can forward the current open tickets to other staff. 


    That is possible to do... but this is the 2nd time in a week I've had time at my pc...

  4. Tickets get auto-assigned to staff.  Some times they take days to get to and sometimes it takes a week.  All tickets are reviewed.


    If they've been assigned to me I've been quite busy and haven't been able to work on my tickets for the last week.  I'm hoping that this week I'll be able to start digging back into them.

  5. Bassicly what snake is trying to point out. We do try to do full scale redeployments (Server wide) when we are free to do them, as we are busy looking after 309 Cops at the moment of time writing this, it is not always appropriate to do such things because we are either busy doing administration work inside the APD (which takes a while) or busy with IRL issues such as work or family.


    As of this we do ask corporals to watch over and show the initiative to move the cop force into each town equally (if possible).


    If you feel like there are not enough cops on lets say server 1 in Athira but there's alot in server 1 Kavala or any other server, like i say your voice is your first weapon, ask for help people are in most cases willing to help unless there are busy at that moment of time.


    If you would like any further questions answered please find me in Teamspeak i will be happy to talk to you.


    Thank you.


    Spot on!

  6. Unfortunately I've never found doing anything in Arma to be able to be done casually.  Choppers are over used as it is and this might clean up that mess a bit.  AFC is not difficult it just takes a bit of time and effort to practice.

  7. I have some fairly incriminating evidence on a repeat offender, but am wondering if anything meaningful will come of it.  If blatant disregard for the rules and admins results in a whopping 24-hour ban I probably won't even bother submitting, since tickets take so long to get processed.


    The first ban I did after getting access to the ticket system was a perm ban.  That was a good day.  He thought he should be allowed to break the rules because he'd spent 300 hours playing on Olympus and was a high level donator... oh well, good times, good times.



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  8. I personally haven't played it either, but all the things that you've brought up Squall are issues that I've found in what I've seen.  The over the top RP requirements is one of my biggest sticking points.  I love RP but its pretty excessive there.


    The only things I see there that I'd like to have brought here are the banks.  I'd like to see bank branches in the 4 major cities and a few ATMs in the smaller cities.


    I like Task Force Radio, but each time there is a game update TFR is broke until the mod for it fixes it which I've seen take anywhere from 1 day to 7 days.


    I love the look of the police vehicles, EMS and tow trucks... its nice that they have some of the other civie cars... but I'm not as impressed with them.

  9. The decision was made by staff and its not going to be changed.  Free Speech is great, until it creates problems.  These forums and servers are not subject to free speech laws as they are privately owned and are not hindering you from discussing whatever you wish elsewhere.  To use either the servers or the forums you use at the owners discretion and by their rules.  If you do not agree with the rules as set out and defined by the owner/operator/staff then there are other places for you to play or participate in community forums.

    • Like 1
  10. For the record, you do need to return in waves (for those who were unsure) Orders by Captain Travis himself, if this changes in the future you'll be notified.


    Naaaa can't be Captain Travis.... He only drinks Moosehead and eats McDonalds.....   well mostly eats anyway  :lol:


    But seriously... the Prison is to be treated just like the Fed, with the exception of seizing vehicles used... though that would be a proper addition I think.

    • Like 2
  11. It's metagaming to say you were RDM'd in side? Even if you don't give a location?


    Wouldn't it then also be metagaming to read that someone is robbing a store, has taken over a gang hideout, is stealing a kidney or is robbing a player of which, everyone in the server is notified?


    I would say any discussion of a subject that your character would not or should not be aware of is meta-gaming.  Even if you don't give a location.


    The overall reasoning on why this is done is to give other players a chance to stay away from that area if they don't want to get involved.  It also helps give the cops a chance at responding.  As for why cops should see it:


    Gas Station - clerk trips alarm, monitoring company calls cops.

    Gang Hideout - Police intelligence gathering methods (though not sure why Civ's need this)

    Robbing a player - NPC witness reporting incident

    Kidney theft - you got me on this one...


    I'm not sure why Civ's should be able to see the messages too, but it most likely has something to do with coding... not sure.


    This is the definition of meta-gaming I use:


    Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.

    In simple terms, it is the use of out-of-game information or resources to affect one's in-game decisions.

    source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metagaming

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  12. please another exit, we had virus and half the server lock us in and the cops landed a chopper and we couldnt excape, it was a turkey shoot :( . On another note GG for blatantly helping the cops guys and GG cops for turning a blind eye to there efforts.


    Prisons are designed to keep people in.  If you are going to break in to get someone out you should expect to have a hard time getting back out again.


    Again its all about tactics.... anyone think that maybe they should toss some smoke grenades out to provide cover until they could get to the towers?  Sounds more like the jail break wasn't thought out then a poor prison design.

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