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Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Exner21

  1. bro for real XD
  2. XD someones still a little salty we stole some gear
  3. I figured him verbally stating he was patrolling is more than enough prof. Wayyyyyyy more then enough prof ya you right ya bro! you might as well give them sam sites now man XD
  4. XD every time police come back from there zerg base
  5. I have been asked to provide prof that police have been abusing rules to their liking. I approached an Officer name Him or "CdotW28"who openly admitted to "patrolling" with a ghost hawk. The rule states very obviously that it must be in a response. Not just to have a joy ride. In my video he quickly realizes he has broken the rules and change his story to a tempest deice. How ever this to is still not "Heavy Gang activity". It is a single vic. I would also like to add that this is not the first time police have bent the rules to their liking. In this case he also uses the excuse of saying how many players have "Tags" on the server. No where does the rule state tags. Unfortunately my mic did not recorded me asking him why, but it did catch him saying why. The rule in question: The Ghosthawk Ghosthawk patrols may be used to respond to heavy gang activity. The weapons may only be used on aerial, or illegal vehicles (including APD Hunters and Striders) Must be sent a text to land or park and given 10 seconds to comply. If the Ghosthawk is fired upon it may return fire, and that specific ghosthawk remains guns hot until the situation is resolved. This includes when the Ghosthawk is presented with a clear threat (Example: civilian with an explosive launcher that has engaged the Ghosthawk via text or an explosive launcher clearly pointing at the Ghosthawk in a red zone) If multiple Ghosthawks have been shot down in the same situation, any Sergeant and above may decide to return to the situation guns hot provided they notify a member of the opposing force. If an APD Ghosthawk is stolen, the APD may use Any Means Necessary to recover it. The “guns hot” call must come from a Senior APD involved in the situation. Ghosthawks mirror the “guns hot” activity of other hawks. A Ghosthawk may be authorized "guns hot" within the federal event's anti-air circle after bomb blows at a federal event in cases where civilians are holding the area without the intent to leave. Exception: Ghosthawks are authorized "guns hot" after bomb blows on illegal vehicles within the federal event's inner anti-air circle. If a server restart occurs while the hawk is guns hot, it may return guns hot. The Armed Huron is treated as a Ghosthawk. video:
  6. Thank you to everyone who commented and had a good civil convo. We can see that there are players who feel very different about the subject. As I stated in the very beginning there is a problem. Its necessary to point out the obvious. Hopefully posting and talking about it will impact something. Maybe, maybe not. I will however recorded a lot more interactions and display my findings from now on. I will also be looking in to some rules that are very blurry. Starting with the robbing/time limit of players. Thanks again everyone
  7. Server 1
  8. this was just a recommendation. We talked about how busy everyone was doing reports. So maybe talking with a player on the spot would reduce reports
  9. your in teamspeak man. that's a crapy excuse I can do a ticket in about 3mins. this is an excuse. I would be willing to put the ticket in and then talk with an admin
  10. LOL I see your very classy. All I see is the same excuses. And same method of diverting players to put in reports. As well as every admin coming on here to try and justify everyone's actions. Its not hard to view video evidence on the spot or even spectate players. Its a whole lot of excuses. And less of what players on the server actually want. But hey all of the player on the server are probably wrong and the admins are probably right. and all rules can easily be made public and adjusted. Another excuse
  11. Okay then you'll have 6 reports or even 7 to read because you choose not to get rid of a player right away.
  12. Ya good point. Comp request I feel is a good choice. But even for comp request in general would be nice to talk with an admin or mod. but maybe for a comp request its a little different due to the numbers game
  13. No that would be great!! Players would rather speak with someone rather than do a report. I feel admins feel the same way. Would you rather read a report or talk with someone face to face
  14. I see, so maybe you guys search for some more admins and mods, Maybe that's harder or easier. IDK But it seems there is a shortage on staff. All I do know is players would much rather talk with a mod or admin when going to TS. I can say for all players that having an admin to speak with means a lot more to players than speaking with support staff. If we could find away to do that, it would be great! Hey man this is a civil convo. I am calling an Apple an Apple as I stated before. And I feel we have exchanged a lot of useful and good information. So just chill brotha
  15. Maybe look for someone who can. Put out a search for members who would be willing to do it
  16. If there are only 4 members that handle player reports. That's very poor management of staff.
  17. Not 24/7 maybe a designated time. Between this time and this time we will have a court room available in TS. I am only trying to find better ways to interact with admins and support. To help players
  18. Okay I can respect that. And I do understand there are a lot of toxic players, especially since it is a public server. But with that said the server also attracts that attention to its self sometimes. Allowing higher members to bend rules never looks good. I will look for those changes in the future and hope things get better. Thanks for the reply
  19. Poor argument man. See my older post please
  20. I like that you said to contact higher members and I have tried that in the past. I honestly don't know how to fix the problem on the server. But that avenue never worked. As for support team members they lie a lot. I feel there should be quality support team members. I feel I'm not the only one who feels that way but I feel the best way to address some issues is to speak allowed. Identfy that there is a problem. That's the first step. I understand about the player reports, it takes time, Maybe make an admin who can deal with issues live on the server in a court room fashion. That would cut down on player reports by half at least. Maybe even more.
  21. Ya I would say right back at you. Those rules that we have broken where always gray areas. Or even Rules not written. Anyone who has asked for comp we always try and get those players comp.. We have even go to the extent of getting them in our discord. Your also taking the argument from authority. Saying you broke the rules so how can we know. Because the rules are gray. That's another problem with the server. You need to clarify. As well as I can not take responsibility for every gang member. Much like you cant take responsibility for every admin. Trying to make it look like my "GANG" doesn't follow rules is a poor argument or even a shift of attention on the subject at hand. Focus on what I asked please. Do you think players like how they are treated on the server?
  22. I would say you are correct. But I know you know I'm telling the truth because you said "not saying I don't believe it"
  23. So I click the staff section and I can count 43 members. I think you may have a problem with managing your personnel then. IDK you labeled them under staff?
  24. Don't make excuses for breaking rules. The rules are the rules. It seems like you have convinced yourself when it is okay to break rules and when its not okay. You might need to do some soul searching my friend. I'm not signaling anyone out. All I'm saying is players don't enjoy how they are treated. Can you agree with that or not?
  25. No no. I'm not complaining about player reports not getting done. Or even admins not helping players when they need it. I'm just pointing out the obvious. Players do not like how they are treated. That's the problem. I don't know what needs to be fixed, but the first step in fixing the problem is identifying that there is one.
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