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  1. I enjoy the direction it is going, its just that the more popular the server gets, the more its going to attract the degenerate RDMers and trolls.
  2. can you imagine if they added on another 3 moderators and one of them just happened to have those RDM tendencies? It would b chaos...CHAOS!!!! Next thing you know, they're spawning in pink Orcas and Neon Green Slammers.Strykers and Cougars would be raining from the sky. Every swingin **** would have a blackfoot and PCML Launchers, and the Mortar Tracks. Oh, someone's doing cocaine...wait that guy's doing cocaine; cool...lemme just mosie on over to my garage and pull my paladin real quick and send a few 155mm shells into cocaine fields, 4 or 5 should do it.....nah moderation is for Pu$$!3S, send em all!!!!!! my point is i'm sure they have an extensive vetting system to choose who becomes an admin. And i've seen them more and more recently ghosting players and doling out the 4 day bans for RDM. The problem is, those players are only banned for 4 days, so when they come back and dont understand that they were breaking rules...or more likely don't care... then they just start up in kavala again and server hop until they racked up 60 manslaughter charges. No matter what the admins do, they can never get rid of the trolls and children who just want to cause chaos. ARMA brings out the worst in most people, so unless you want the server to go down, there's really surefire way to permantly get rid of the trolls.
  3. Cops are OP because they work together and have a CoC. Stop being lone wolfs and screaming at each other in side chat, and get a ranking structure in
  4. i think someone's just salty about getting consistently wrecked by cops. The past 3 posts ive read from you are nothing but complaints about police being too OP.
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