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Posts posted by Hunter

  1. 22 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

    So I've always used a headset for gaming/watching movies and listening to music but I saw this thing being released recently and it piqued my interest.


    I know Razer hardware in general is regarded a awful pieces of shit but this thing actually looks interesting.

    So my question is do any of you fine folks use similar hardware and what would you recommend? 

    You're better off getting a soundbar/speakers and a dedicated headset. 

    I personally would recommend for cheap but good speakers the pebbel v3s. I would also recommend these as good headphones as well https://drop.com/buy/massdrop-sennheiser-hd6xx no mic but you can get good mics for cheap that are better then any boommic. 

    53 minutes ago, Noble said:

    The only thing I would ever get from razer is a keyboard, their headsets suck. I dont think we have a big enough market for this wacky shit yet to justify choosing them. If this tech catches on you are probably better off waiting a bit and get a better company's product once the tech has been advanced a bit more. Also I would assume this will always still be beaten by a headset both in terms of audio quality and gaming 

    This basically

    Just now, Hunter said:

    You're better off getting a soundbar/speakers and a dedicated headset. 

    I personally would recommend for cheap but good speakers the pebbel v3s. I would also recommend these as good headphones as well https://drop.com/buy/massdrop-sennheiser-hd6xx no mic but you can get good mics for cheap that are better then any boommic. 

    This basically

    Even then Razor keyboards are shit best keyboard atm would be wooting 60he 

  2. 3 hours ago, ares said:

    hey guys, I have come to the forums seeking pc help from any techy people. recently, my pc has started to sound almost like a lawn mower when it is on at any point, especially on startup. If anyone has any ideas on what the issue may be or how to fix it without spending lots of money, I would appreciate any assistance! Thank you 🙂

    Here's a short clip of how it sounds: 


    Download and install then screenshot temps https://www.hwinfo.com/download/ also try unplugging/stopping some fans to start isolating potential issues.

  3. 1 hour ago, Noble said:

    Any laptop tips? deciding between brining PC to college and getting the new m2 macbook air or getting a windows laptop with decent mix of portability and performance 

    any recommendations 

    Bring PC and get a lighter laptop performance on a laptop will always be massively worse compared to a desktop component.

  4. On 7/31/2022 at 7:25 AM, lvy said:

    I thought this was a joke at first but turns out this has gotten approve by the CC. This is an honest disappointment to hear. I do not think you guys realize how big of a change this is, its not like some little rule to slide into the fucking server. For years and years players were allowed to have multiple houses on the server. This was good for the server because it allowed players to do multiple things at once and grew a community and grew gangs. I cannot help but notice this rule is ONLY an attack on bigger gangs like Silla or DB. Over 100 million dollars in houses that you guys want to force us to give up. Are we getting comped ? Almost every long-term single player  ( real player ) has multiple houses. Almost everyone has another account on this server and its a slap in the fucking face to the players for you guys to want to limit us. Houses taxes was a GREAT idea because it got rid of the inactive people that took the houses, you guys even up the taxes!

    I want to know the type of people who are suggesting these "rules" to be added because no fucking way they have actually been a long-term player because out of all of the 1,000s of people I've met, not one person would EVER suggest this rule. 

    Its an honest disappoint to hear this, houses are very important to people and VERY important to gangs. I know personally, I have been put so much time and work to get the houses I have and it sucks you guys are inconsiderate. These are your players that have been coming back to YOUR server for years, I just know I am not the person/gang that feels like this. 

    I honestly hope you guys really think about this. I hope the staff see this and try to relate to the times you use to RP because most of you don't nowadays. I hope the CC member that suggested the idea joins a gang, does runs, feds, scats, and drugs to really understand the IMPORTANCE of multiple houses because clearly you don't. Thanks - Ivy. 

    If you're desperate enough you can choose to either give to gang members or make new unaffiliated alts change IP and Mac Address then login with a fresh account and sell said houses.







    I plead the fifth 

    1. The current most ubiquitous US nuclear weapon deployed is the W78 nuclear weapon with a yield of 350kt which has a total fireball of .63KM and a 5PSI which collapse most residential buildings up to 4.95KM this is with a airburst detonation which is better against large areas but ineffective against hardened targets. The ground destruction of a surface detonation is signifgantly reduced in area of affect. The majority of radiation is gone by 2 weeks and it must also be kept in mind that with there being less nuclear weapons 5550 and Russia 6,257 with only 1588 nuclear weapons of Russia deployed on various launch methods well the US has 2021 warheads deployed. The likelihood of nuclear war is quite low and would not be as destructive as many people believe due to lower yields and with the reduction in nuclear weapons yield and numbers they would be used predomintally on military targets. I would also like to state that "MAD" is not a actual true doctrine and it was just a excuse for the Kennedy admin to cut civil defense nuclear bunker funding to fund the Vietnam war.
    • Like 1
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  5. 48 minutes ago, Revenge said:

    Hello everyone,  I have some questions.


    Who appoints the staff? Can neither confirm nor deny the existence or lack of said individual prescribed 

    Can neither confirm nor deny the existence or lack of said individual prescribed 

    Who are the voters of the Civic Council? Can neither confirm nor deny the existence or lack of said individual prescribed 

    Does number 1 know what's going on on the server? Can neither confirm nor deny the existence or lack of said individual prescribed 

    Where is Ryan in the decisions made? Can neither confirm nor deny the existence or lack of said individual prescribed 

    When moderators remove a player, is the decision reviewed? No

    Who are the staff in charge of Apd ? Can neither confirm nor deny the existence or lack of said individual prescribed 

    Who are the staff in charge of Medics?Can neither confirm nor deny the existence or lack of said individual prescribed 

    Why is the cops, who seized our pistol, Sending Cabal's Ifrit to the Parking? Can neither confirm nor deny the existence or lack of said individual prescribed 


    Finally, (for some Staff) Do you have fun on Teamspeak or Discord when you drop players with Aimbot or God On Mod?


  6. 41 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

    I'm aware, none of my points listed had to do with  the tiers of vigis and what they do based on those tiers. I am simply stating nobody should be on warzone with a tazer, only lethals should be permitted on cartels/warzone. I already said I understand why they camp therisa and rebels but there's no reason they should be allowed to go to cartels.

    Why should a large portion of the map become a safezone when you have a bounty? Personally all for giving Vigis lethals like cop no charge but % of money with a cap at a high teir say teir 6 400 arrests they get lethals would make it less aids for all parties involved.

  7. 10 hours ago, coopacarp said:

    I think forcing their weapons to turn lethal on warzone is an amazing idea, doesnt the APD only lethal on warzone already? Been a while so I might need corrected on that. You do not belong on warzone if you aren't going to shoot someone and merk them for that fatty cartel money, the cartels aren't there for you vigi rats to ruin. I don't mind a vigi camping anywhere except warzone, obviously it's gay and ratty as fuck BUT I understand why they do it and you are probably just upset it happens to you which is fair, but you have to see it from a vigi standpoint. I will never understand why they come to cartels where only a rebel belongs and ruin that shit though. If this idea is considered (making their tazers lethal on warzone) then you also have to think about the idea of allowing a vigi to cap cartels if they aren't able to already but that sounds like a great middle ground for everyone. All in all, fuck you if you go to cap with a tazer.

    The people that camp therisa are largely low teir vigis pre spar16 higher teirs tend to go fight other gangs or go into actual warzone and fight geared players due to them having high bounties 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Tarquanda said:

    igsf got me for 82k and were yelling at eachother because they kept almost killing me, I'm convince if they had killed me by accident they would have murdered eachother irl

    The fight for arrests for low teirs is real lmao. 

  9. Just now, Nameless _ said:

    you dont fight cartels and it shows. There is no gang sheds available anywhere near cap. Also spawning at Neo is way to far from cap. Therisa is the only place to go. Now them banning vigis from doing this will never happen but its still aids

    Was referring to old gangsheds slightly farther out from Theresa believe it was roughly .5-1km.  

  10. 3 minutes ago, bingbonger6 said:

    Have you considered not doing the crime, scum? 😡

    Vigis are indeed thirsty as fuck for arrests and it's all due to the progression system they've got. Leveling should probably be based on bounty amount rather than raw arrests to help with this, but tbh I'd probably still be doing the same thing.

    The problem is the leveling system is dogshit. Once someone is over 100 arrests and has t4 they have no other point of playing other then grinding money.

  11. 6 minutes ago, JD Connor said:

    stop complaining and just dont die to a vigi with a 556 lol

    He's just upset that he can't just fight cartels without any risks from 3rd parties and refuses to take necessary action to prevent those 3rd parties from affecting him.

    • STFU 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Tarquanda said:

    make camping rebels, and Theresa bannable for vigis. I be fucking trying to defend my cap then I'm taken out of the fight for 90 mins for a 3m bounty from some fat 11 year old with a p07.

    Cope Harder GIF - Cope Harder - Discover & Share GIFs Rub your two brain cells together and you know not to spawn in Therisa spawn at a shed you have or another location instead of spawning at the most obvious location. Stop being lazy and use your brain not hard 

    • Pepega 1
    • Cringe 2
    • STFU 1
  13. 13 hours ago, Kyle McDonald said:

    I first joined Olympus when I was a teen, like early-mid high school. Now I'm 22 and just finished college at Chapman University if anyone happens to go there. I haven't played in 2.5-3 years since life got real busy. I'm building a new PC and randomly thought about the Olympus servers. I played under [MC] Shadow and various other names I forgot. What happened with moob and co? Doesn't seem like theyre around? Moob? Ghostface? I was thinking about joining back onto the servers but I dont know how many people I played with that would still be playing. Idk what gangs are good now.. I saw CatsMeow is a fuckin billionaire jesus christ how long did that take. But props for getting so rich, I remember him just cuz MC always talked about how he was a jew for money lmao. What are the big changes that have happened in the last 2-3 years? Looks like a lot of different staff. Is it worth coming back on the server, whats the player count like? I remember playing when all 3 servers were full. Good times, I miss robbing in hummingbirds, doing Feds, cartel fights.  This was my favorite game and server to play on. I've been outta the loop with video games and shit, is an Arma 4 coming out? I remember 3rip, that little shit. Random ass post to make but just wanted to see whats up with Olympus and the players and stuff. 

    Edit: I think I changed my name to Kyle McDonald when I played cop a lot, what a shitty name. Shadow was better.

    In truth probably not worth coming back.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Winters said:

    Chapter III - Civilian Interaction

    Making Contact

    1. Do not restrain suspects unless they are downed, have their hands up, or are notified why they are being restrained.
    1.1. Unarmed/weapon holstered civilians that are engaged with the APD can be restrained if tackle is said prior to restraining.


    Chapter XV - APD Undercover

    1. APD undercover officers that are driving a vehicle with uniformed APD officers inside must reveal their identity.


    Chapter XVII - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles

    APD Tools
    1. Hazmat suits are only to be used when conducting operations in radioactive areas.
    1.1 Exception: Sergeant+
    2. Wetsuits are only to be used when conducting water operations.
    2.1 Exception: Sergeant+


    @APD Member @Senior APD Member @Deputy Chief of Police 

    Big Tackle GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

    PO running around a corner screaming "tackle"

    • Haha 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Dayton1 said:

    Having only purchased Arma 3 a few months ago and joining the server for the first time, I was killed on sight multiple times without any engagement, had all my vehicles stolen, and was robed repeatedly until I had nothing left. I have to honestly say that joining Olympus resulted in a horrible gaming experience for a new player. The lack of server admins and police makes for a gang-ruled warzone with no regard to the server rules, and no fear of repercussion from server management.

    Players, such as those in the "s |" gang seemed to be the root of the problem. After grinding out some money, I managed to buy a helicopter and took it to the casino where I was shot out of it instantly, and had it stolen as I laid on the ground watching the respawn countdown unable to do anything.

    After joining other Arma 3 Life servers and telling other players about my experience, I found that MANY other players have had the same experience with Olympus, so this is not just a one-off case of players breaking server rules.

    There were many civilians who were kind and helpful, but who also fell victim to the "s |" gang multiple times before logging off of the server - presumably for good.

    I am no way trying to bash "s |" gang as if the roles were reversed and I was playing on a server with no administration or player moderation, I would likely do the same thing.

    This server needs more police force and more active admins/moderators to keep these gangs in check, and keep them operating within the server rules.

    Unfortunately I will not be rejoining Olympus for some time, and I hope this article will be seen by server moderators and some sort of action be taken to prevent other new players from a similar experience.


    Best of luck,


    Record the rule break then submit a report

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  16. 2 hours ago, ExtLordz said:

    Not too long ago I was playing civ with my gang and we did a robbery at the silver proc and killed lea with RDM after my gang member told me her sent her the message to engage her. The clip she sent was 2:31 seconds long and within 24 hours I was banned. Now according to the rules the video must be 5  minutes long hers was not and I got banned.  

    Here is her clip.  Now I was RDMed while playing medic responding to a revive in pygros and when I went to start reviving the player Meredith Decided to just RDM me and tried to RDM another medic who was also there with me.  Now the video I sent was 5 minutes and had time before and after my death to show that the player never engaged me and I get a response from an admin saying that I did not have enough evidence to show that I was RDMed. My clip is below.

    So in what way is my death not RDM the same as when i shot Lea at silver proc.  Please help me understand.

    In your clip Maridith kills you 2 mins into the video so it does not fully show the full RP window so it got denied for lack of evidence 

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