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Everything posted by affasd63536

  1. bro omg its been three months and the imperfect decision is that they havent reverted it even like linda said or whatever her name is they wont get any progress without experimentation, which I agree with but its been so long why havent they reverted it
  2. lmao ur fucked in the brain ur such an ass stop sucking off mako retard
  3. the leading reason behind their removal wasn't lag
  4. well ur in a power position now so maybe u can make a change
  5. ok so if ur trying new things the whole lets take out quilins thing clearly didnt work, bringing them back I think would cause a surge of people to want to fight again. also you did this 3 months ago... ur a roleplayer lmao you must have a blast in kavala
  6. idk if u have eyes or a brain but im not referring to the whole server im talking about cartels
  7. I took a long break on this game and I just came back to see that gang life is totally dead. I've noticed that quilins have been removed while ifrit prices have dropped slightly. I see people constantly complaining about how gang and cartel life is dead and it is quite clear to me why this has happened. In the recent update, they added a big tower to an already not as good cartel. Basically, I do not know who is in control of these updates but the more and more this server changes, it seems to get worse and worse.
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