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noob poop

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Everything posted by noob poop

  1. https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/jvlIR2PwVPsPkRfNX/tJSkQt9HEcYA?invite=cr-MSxaeFgsMjY3OTAwNDk3LA this is what I think of NYPD
  2. Why every day am I called a faggot on this server what happened. I'm not a f slur its getting tiring I just wish people would be understanding especially when half of our support team are LGBTQIA really need to do better as a community. Take a pledge today to stop saying the f slur. My good friend @ JoeL recently confided to me his homosexuality I was touched he thought I was someone he could speak with. Also @ Arven even though we have our troubles and fights I respect you for your bravery in coming out to me and the entire APD. Some great members of our server are gay/trans can we please stop this hatred? Thank you guys
  3. I aint reading allat
  4. Short answer we don't want our cheater friends banned that we protect. Long answer go fuck yourself
  5. Very thoughtful post I hope xsmitherz reaches out to you soon you seem deserving of his friendship. As for needing members for your gang, I'd be happy to join thanks. I hope to hear from you!
  6. thank support staff joel can always count on you
  7. I havent got my invite yet! im scared!
  8. GTOtards btfo gl idiots
  9. noob poop


    3 mx tasers and 2 spar tasers for sale hit my line dawggg!
  10. I love olympus gaming I love it so much sometimes i get on and talk to myself and game,
  11. Interested in buying all ur 9m sups pm me
  12. Kav square doesnt exist.. im sorry bro its like a fenced in thingy
  13. I did not the roads were very shitty for the tiny shitty car I was given
  14. Not many foreigners as it wasn't the busy season when I went! Everywhere you went people were surprised to see you really quite funny
  15. Kavala Castle! Salt flats Kavala as seen from the castle Ghost hotel! Kavala APD hq/bay area Pyrgos Donkey that was blocking the road google maps was saying to turn down lil video of ghost hotel https://gyazo.com/4f124870f779af65661d68a04b0c25d2
  16. This shed location is terrible location shame on you for thinking I'd even be remotely interested in this trash
  17. https://gyazo.com/54e26c911c81130eca4fd69f114616c2
  18. Hello joel how are you doing?
  19. https://gyazo.com/54e26c911c81130eca4fd69f114616c2 Message me for pricing and offers!
  20. https://gyazo.com/54e26c911c81130eca4fd69f114616c2 Message me for pricing and offers!
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