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Everything posted by karmaa

  1. im 187/6'2 but to me it seems bizarre to have height verification.. its not that im worried but women shouldnt judge on height
  2. they should add weight verification for all the white women who like to use old pics
  3. i sold a DP22 2 crater for 4.5 mill
  4. 10 reports is on a bad day
  5. if i post 10 reports like i sometimes do how does it get filtered, cause ive noticed sometimes the first report gets looked at and than the last but the ones in between just fades away for a week or so sometimes and othertimes the first and last gets forgotten but the ones in the middle gets handled immediatly. i do understand you guys dont get paid but still dont understand how the system really works title should say support system not report i fucked that shit up
  6. Who else agrees that if tinder wants to do height verification for men, there should be a weight verification for the women who wants to use 10 years old pics? it seems like yet again everything goes the way of the women please dont downvote this post
  7. same
  8. thats kinda fucking hillarious and true <3 and the admins are my miss finster
  9. ive also dealt with thoose who try and demand 800k comp for me seeing their evidence on me for me breaking their imaginery rule this dude that played under the name Meth he was either Elements or Grim dont remember he was trynna push me for alot of money for combat storing 60 corn he never even ended up killing me in the situation it was kinda funny its exactly what i was told by a member of the admin team Comp isnt always compensation its a bribery to stop them from filing a report on you
  10. its not always about what you lose tho, the comp is more of a bribery to not get banned and also what you are reffering to is what the players in SKAV always do and i have a tendency to just press respawn just to force them to pay for my loadout
  11. i ask for comp first like 5 times before i even consider reporting cause im giving them a chance
  12. thank you sire! <3 not gonna file a comp request even but the thing is yes i do these for negative rep you can see all my previous posts that all of them have been for negative rep and i know this wont clean up the server, and wtf do you mean this is toxicity im reporting people violating the rules to make the server have less rule breakers fair enough its not a RP server its SOFT RP but i still want people to atleast say hands up or die and not just shoot you with their tasers or guns and drive off ... your post history does @hawk Thank you for dealing with all the rule breakers i reported hope you have a wonderfull day <3
  13. if you read further up and check my posts im trying to get negative rep got like 40 positive on accident here the other day so should have been at 200
  14. 430 posts and only 52 rep lol and you tell me to delete
  15. you mean you passenger seated me on purpose twice ofc im gonna ask for 400k i than later on said okey give me 200k and its fine and i lost my Y both times and the messages you sent me proves that it was blatant and also @Justi I noticed you even waiting til i turned around to try and make sure i didnt know it was you...
  16. its already started <3 some do like you know @Ryan and @ikiled even tho Ikiled isnt just an admin he is like a big chief
  17. we are gonna have alot of fun together <3
  18. it was nemesis but apperantly he told the admins/mods that it was a joke and they let him go for saying he was joking lol. guess what if you get caught selling or advertising sales just say it was a joke you are the morgan who VDMd on purpose and refused to comp
  19. yes it does i run around with a Sting taser and shoot people who i engage on that deserves to be shot
  20. if you read further up it says that i am
  21. you are trying to hard oh i know but im just making people aware of that i record everything so if i get fucked by you, you either comp or you get reported
  22. i might have something on grim aswell give me a second
  23. found 1 more Yeet Skeet is going down for Combat log <3 its funny you say that cause high school and so was my prime, Football, volleyball, handball Student council hot chicks than afterwards it was the norwegian army i was living life <3 i dont really care if hte server gets any better for this im straight doing these posts for negative rep and hopefully less people rdm or combat log on me now cause they know i report it
  24. just because of you guys ill go through a little older footage and look for more people to report have a nice day <3
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