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Everything posted by icemann

  1. YIKES!!!!!
  2. That's the whole point. No one is mad they are banned we knew what would happen it's just the fact that others did it to and have 0 punishment
  3. dick rider fanboy pipe down mutt
  4. Yeah I mean there is clearly favoritism and mako is making it more and more apparent the more he types and doesn't even realize it
  5. Read what I write before typing you freak gremlin I literally said that
  6. 40k is nothing compared to most of the others. Doesn't matter not my point my point is how are you determining what is "slightly malicious" and just malicious everybody that did it should be banned regardless if you are doing it that way. You shouldn't just be picking and choosing who is banned and who isn't
  7. I did it one time and was permanently banned. Is that not considered slightly malicious? Malicious is malicious
  8. time to get a life boys
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