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The Gent

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Everything posted by The Gent

  1. The Gent


    This whole thread just reads like another language to me...
  2. "Currently not accepting new applications". Hmm.
  3. Yes. Does anyone even remember the TCA clan any more? lol
  4. Quote me 5 times I have done it, please.
  5. It's an RPG.
  6. I don't even know who you are...but good know that you know every single conversation I have had and that all I do is complain about bad RP... I'll go ahead and assume you were one of the people I called out at some point, then.
  7. I'm Andrew Applepicker's twin brother...he was killed in cold blood due to the negligent actions (or lack therof) of the APD. Got stuck into the moonshine a little of late and have a real distaste for the procedural incompetence and institutionalised slackness of the APD. Vengeance will be coming soon.
  8. I think I'd prefer A3, but I believe it is a required donation to play...? No thanks, I want to choose to donate like with this server. The character background you have to fill out, I have no issue whatsoever with, the extra features look fantastic and damn...that roleplay looks fun, but as I say, paying for a mod? I don't think that's fair. I don't know the details, but I've heard in passing it's a $30 "donation" to allow you to get in the servers...I paid $30 for ARMA, plus DLC, plus donation here...I'm in over $100 for this game! EDIT: Ahh. I understand the controversy now after watching PsiSyndicate explain it (albeit in a very rambling sort of way) TL;DW for anyone who is curious, there is controversy surrounding the fact that it's pretty dodgy that they are very close to charging for a lot of content they didn't create and did not have permission to monetize. I hope this isn't considered "hate" - I was just unaware of the controversy until 5 or so minutes ago.
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