I think I'd prefer A3, but I believe it is a required donation to play...? No thanks, I want to choose to donate like with this server.
The character background you have to fill out, I have no issue whatsoever with, the extra features look fantastic and damn...that roleplay looks fun, but as I say, paying for a mod? I don't think that's fair.
I don't know the details, but I've heard in passing it's a $30 "donation" to allow you to get in the servers...I paid $30 for ARMA, plus DLC, plus donation here...I'm in over $100 for this game!
Ahh. I understand the controversy now after watching PsiSyndicate explain it (albeit in a very rambling sort of way)
TL;DW for anyone who is curious, there is controversy surrounding the fact that it's pretty dodgy that they are very close to charging for a lot of content they didn't create and did not have permission to monetize.
I hope this isn't considered "hate" - I was just unaware of the controversy until 5 or so minutes ago.