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Diamond Drop

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Blog Entries posted by Diamond Drop

  1. Diamond Drop

    Roundtable Summary
    Server 1 Hot Zone Event: POSTPONED @ WALT Event occurs once per restart if player pop is above 100 All gangs notified 10 minutes before event start Pot starts at 10 Mil - pot generation is from BOTH gear purchased at rebels and drugs sold during the event Single Zone / Point consists of a randomized pool of locations consisting of all current Altis conquest points, cartels, and black markets. Event runs off a time-based system similar to gang base. To capture the hot zone, you must capture the flag (takes 30 seconds to capture). First gang to capture a hot zone for 60 minutes wins the event. Pot is divided amongst the top 3 gangs: 1st: 50% of pot 2nd: 35% of pot 3rd: 15% of pot No NLR within the Hot Zone. Event will not have a rebel that you can spawn at. You will have to get geared like normal and then go back to the event. No armed aerial vehicles / explosive ground vehicles with the exception of the .50 cal Vigi’s aren’t allowed to tase / retrain players participating in the event zone  APD will follow Air Drop rules for responding Idea was postponed for the time being. Current server events such as Gang Base need to be fixed / re-evaluated before we add new events. The goal of the idea was to produce an event that would spawn in allowing for short-duration, no NLR fights similar to Conquest, but on server 1.
    Change to Contesting a Cartel: PASSED @ jmcan If a group outnumbers another by 3 to 1, the cap will no longer be fully contested Once 3 to 1 is reached, you will be able to cap / de-cap at 50% the normal speed This is intended to make cartel fighting faster paced and to limit players ability to exploit / hide and prevent a larger group from capping The Civilian Council wanted to further expand on the previous roundtable where we made changes to cartels. The continued goal is to focus cartels more on fighting rather than the money making aspect. This change is intended to keep gangs offensive on cap, prevents players from camping the flagpole through contesting, and benefits the groups who are putting more players into the zone.
    3 Stage Legal Run: PASSED @ xxdausxx   https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1GJnDyxFHy6T4W1lZxiib4EwozjqhhuziTp4GbgRrh5w/edit Once all pro’ed ingredients are collected, players will need to go to the foundry to process the rare alloy (Foundry could be at old coke pro but we are open to all ideas for location) Would receive the workers protection sell increase This intended to be a legal gang run comparable to meth and moonshine The run was envisioned to be a legal gang run comparable to Meth and Moonshine. Through coordination and group effort, gangs will be able to conduct this run with no fear of APD intervention while also receiving comparable compensation. Changes may be made to the run before it reaches Server 1 (such as ingredients) as testing will be conducted beforehand to ensure the run is not overpowered / underpowered.
    Gang Shed Activity Requirement: PASSED @ xxdausxx A gang that owns a gang shed will need to meet two criteria to maintain it: 5 active members per month 10 accumulative hours for all gang members This is intended to stop dead / inactive gangs from keeping a valuable gang shed by forcing the gang to meet a set number of hours and players per month The logic for this change is the following:
    increase gang tax => harm smaller/newer gangs, no change for inactive old gangs
    add activity requirement => harm inactive gangs, no change for "semi-active" people
    Advanced Zip Ties: @ Falco  @ duanty_lake_23 Reinforced zip ties PASSED 10k per Needs lockpicks or bolt cutters to unrestrain Restrain time reduced to 10 minutes GPS zip ties DENIED 15k per Restrain time reduced to 10 minutes Only the Vigi that put on the zip ties can see the location of the restrained player While the reinforced zip ties were approved, it was felt that the GPS zip ties were not necessary. The potential impact they could have on balance or their limited use was deemed not currently worth the effort of implementation.
    Warpoints for Terror: PASSED @ SPBojo  @ Murder Taxi Driver The gang /group that started the terror will receive warpoints while in the terror zone Will only receive warpoints for killing geared players (5.56 and up) Should result in an increase in the number of terrors done Intended to give an actually incentive to doing terror’s rather then just killing nakeds in Kavala.
    Scavenger Hunt: PASSED @ SPBojo  @ MBPslyr For every update a new scavenger hunt will start with clues in the update log for all 3 locations Each location will have a placed item you can interact with that gives you a 2-digit grid, e.x. 11 at point 1, 10 at point 2, 25 at point 3 After finding all 3 locations, the player will need to combine the 6 numbers and determine the right grid location, e.x. 112510,111025,101125,102511, 251011,251110 To complete the scavenger hunt, a player must windows key an area with a pickaxe The area will be 100m x 100m Scavenger hunt payouts would be the following for the first few: 2.5 mill for first place 1 mill for 2nd to 10th place Everyone else will get a message of “better luck next time” Future Scavenger Hunt rewards could be BW gear and vehicles This would be done at Development/Design's own rate, there shouldn't be an expectation of a new scavenger hunt every month. This will add a “passive event” allowing players to do something other than cops and robbers. 
    New title: PASSED @ MBPslyr Adding a title for being wanted for 2m+- title name WANTED Adding a title for being wanted for 5m+ - title name Hey look mom I am on TV! Adding a title for being wanted for 10m+ - title name The Boogey Man Adding a title for killing 15 people without dying - Running Riot  Adding a title for killing 25 people without dying - Tactical Nuke  Adding a title for killing 75 people without dying - Better gaming chair Adding a title for using a  suicide vest that kills 9+ people  - Killpocalypse Adding a title for 50 grenade kills - Throws like girl Adding a title for 150 grenade kills - Hand Cannon1 Adding a title for 500 grenade kills - Holy Hand Grenade (below ones are for unrestraining civs that are APD restrained to civ/vigi) Adding a title for unrestraing 25 players - Lock pick McGee Adding title for unrestraining 100 players - Haz handcuff keys adding a title for unrestraining 250 players - HQ Snek Adding a title for 25 terror kills - Radio tower hacker Adding a title for 100 terror kills - No russian Adding a title for 250 terror kills - AutoLeftClick.exe Feds
    BW Changes: @ Masoooooooooon  @ Farrell  @ rabid All exterior walls at blackwater can be destroyed (inner walls will still be indestructible) PASSED Hesco’s below outer towers will be removed Remove / change loot pool: DENIED Promet SG – Remove LIM-85 – Remove MK200 – Remove ENVG-II (Grey) from Ultra Rare to Rare Suicide Vest – Remove Ghillie Suit [CSAT] – Remove Full Ghillie (Arid) [CSAT] – Remove GA Carrier Lite (Digital) – Remove 5.8 Stealth Suppressor from Very Rare to Uncommon 5.56 Suppressor from Very Rare to Uncommon ARCO Scope – Remove MRCO Scope – Remove RCO Scope – Remove IR Laser Pointer – Remove Allowing the exterior walls of BW to be destructible will allow for more dynamic fighting on the exterior of BW. Instead of holding the same angles for the whole event, players will have to be more aware of their surroundings while still limiting their exposure to the APD. To insure balance, the Hesco’s below the exterior towers will be removed, making any push up the towers a more coordinated attack. Changes to the BW loot pool were denied as any change would currently result in an unbalanced pool.
    A 2 minute unseal timer added to APD Escorts: PASSED @ Masoooooooooon  @ rabid Scroll-wheel option If cop enters vehicle it c//ancels Increase to loot pool Currently the event is slam-looted after the first wave ruining the fun of fighting for the event. This will allow APD to actually re-wave to the event. An increase to the loot pool was denied as the loot is already at a very high level compared to the work required to steal it.
    Roadkits to Corporal+ PASSED CPL+ will be used to test uses in roleplay and effects on performance but once complete will be moved to PO+.
    Black MK200 to Active Captains+ DENIED Kajman (Unarmed) to Active Dep Chief+ DENIED Nerf glass so it is easier to penetrate APD Dispatch Rewards PASSED Civilian sends a dispatch as normal APD responds to the dispatch and resolves the situation An APD Officer can windows key the civ and there will be an option to “Accept Dispatch”, upon pressing “Accept Dispatch” the civ will receive a notification that they can accept or decline stating that the APD Officer responded to the dispatch  If the dispatch is accepted all nearby cops (same distance as sending to jail) will get a split of $50k The intent is to encourage APD responding to Civ in distress in a timely manner.
    Add Orcas back to Corporals PASSED Only for Federal Events, Blue zones, Banks A long and thorough conversation was had on this topic. Rather than completely denying the Orca to CPLs, it was agreed that CPLs will be able to use them in a limited capacity. The limiting factor preventing CPLs full access to the Orca is the reality that newer players and groups are unable to reliably counter the Orca, resulting in an unbalanced situation. 
    Players that have been tased have 3 / 1 second of invulnerability PASSED Similar to how the tased animation worked previously the player would not take any damage from being shot This was added to correct issues with the new taze animation. With this change, It will provide players a 1 second grace period to avoid killing a player in restraints. 
    Limiting the visual effects from using painkillers/heroin You will still receive the benefits of the drug with not as excessive visual effects APD Rule Changes Remove wave cap for raiding Warzone if following individuals from a Federal Event / Vehicle airdrop  PASSED Increased to 7 waves with PC Cartel Council was supportive of these changes allowing for more responses to APD as well as maintaining a hard wave limit. Additionally, with the addition of vehicle airdrops a change was needed to insure that Warzone was not abused as a safe haven.
    POs able to raid the Airdrop PASSED The Airdrop zone would be similar to WarZone with the automatic ability for PO/Deps to be able to scroll wheel load lethals so no Corporal+ would be required to authorize With this POs will no longer have to wait on a CPL to go to an Airdrop and can autonomously participate/start airdrops.
    You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:
  2. Diamond Drop

    Roundtable Summary
    Y FAKs dont drop on death @ Siltonious Milton II Players and cops are known to take Y FAKs to put players that are revived at a disadvantage This is too match the fact that the other FAK options do not drop on death Rule Change: All civilians clearly participating in the APD escort are KOS Cartels
    Remove tower cap; Move house cap to Alpha point for Warzone Conquest @ WALT The two drug Cartels will have 3 drugs each Arms/OG will remain the same We want to condense the number of caps to incentives fighting for the caps, NOT MONEY Runs
    List the double pro prices of runs on the market @ Rexo You can sell legal runs to a DP NPC for a pay increase @ xxdausxx A nearby DP (within 5km) will be selected and the pay increase will be based on the distance away from the processor The selected DP will be locked for a time period and will not be rerolled via softlog/death/etc Vigis
    Civs can show license like the APD @ duanty_lake_23 This will apply for legal licenses (vigi, driver, firearm, air) for all civilians for enhanced roleplay Scats
    Trade System / Auction House @ David spangler Would allow sale and transfer of items and prices set by the player This would remove the need for Staff to act as middlemen  Would need to bring the items to the black market or have the vic in your garage Once bought the item will appear in a crate or for a vic in your garage A 2.5% tax would be deducted from the sale price at the end of the transaction  A 2.5% listing fee would apply on listing creation 1% relist fee for price changing or renewing Max listing duration 7d APD Roundtable
    APD Gold Escort Event. The truck spawns with gold 3 different sizes: Small: costs 400k to start, Civ reward of 2.5 mil, Cop reward of 1.5 mil Medium: costs 650k to start, Civ reward of 5 mil, Cop reward of 2.5 mil Large: costs 850k to start, Civ reward of 7.5 mil, Cop reward of 3.5 mil Event starts in Sofia.  Truck must be dropped off at large to neo, medium to air, small to pyrgos If taken by Civs must be taken to a gold trader Sellable for civs like a pharma truck, doesn't spawn actual gold that can be ratted off Change
    The time of the flashbang effect will be increased by 5 seconds Bomb defuse kits can be used to defuse an explosive device Utilizing the bomb defuse kit on IEDs, explosive charges, etc. Will allow the device to be defused and would disappear.  
    You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:
  3. Diamond Drop

    Roundtable Summary
    Ifrit glass nerf @ Silton This would override the last roundtable that asked for Hunters and Striders to be Buffed. All Ifrits on the server will have comparable if not slightly better glass then Hunters and Striders Less work for Devs and should help with the ballance we are looking for with armour Cartels
    Produce a screen blur (Haze/Fuzz) in smoke @ Tapatio This is intended to decrease smoke exploiting Feds
    Jail Changes @ SPBojo Separate Evidence Locker from Jail 5 Cop requirement Possible Locations: ask @ ZeRo 15 minute timer Make all exterior doors bolt-cuttable once bomb has been placed Would take a 10 second progress bar to unlock Cops would need to secure them once Jail is over Pharma Changes @ SPBojo Increase Pharma payout based on the number of Cops killed "near" the truck 1x Cop kill within a determined range of the Pharma truck would add 50k to the overall sell price Will not be affected by the sell price percentage increase (I.E. Parma sold at 150% would be determined and then the Cop kill money will be added) Cap would be 500k for Cop kills ( 10 Cop kills in total) Lower the number of Cops required to conduct a Medium and Large Pharma Small: 3 Cops Medium: 4 Cops Large: 5 Cops Scats
    Nitrous @ Silton Options of use: Y item, 10 weight, costs 25k Garage upgrade pad for 25k , does not persist after vehicle is stored or destroyed 2 uses Instant speed boost when activated with key APD Roundtable
    APD Warrant system For PO+ Initiated through a NPC located at the APD HQ - Max 2 Warrants at one time Cooldown would be 30 minutes for another warrant unless the Civ logs off or uses a warrant jammer Locates the bounties of over $750k to the “searching” Cop - random pick Would last 30 minutes Civ would be notified of the pursuing officer by name with rank Location for the wanted Civ would be located “somewhere” within a 3 km radius circle on the map  Would not be PC outside of Warzone Provides PC for Warzone Every 2 minutes the Cop can search the zone to update the circle through scroll wheel option “Search the Area” (in total 15 updates) Can be deactivated by Civilians through purchasing a Warrant Jammer (Virtual item) $50k at a rebel Does NOT count as engagement and Civs are allowed to disconnect unless attempting to avoid an obvious encounter No armed aerial vehicles before first contact in response to warrant APD Handbook rule addition: “Active duty SAPD can authorize Deputy/Patrol Officer lethals at Federal Events in extreme cases where the APD is vastly at a disadvantage.” Change
    Increase Deputy and PO base price money received for search/seize/sending to jail. Deputy is currently 40%, increase to 55% PO is currently 65%, increase to 75%  Decrease retired sapd/ssgt/sapd to 95% Make tear gas masks illegal and increase the price to $5k.  
    You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:
  4. Diamond Drop

    Roundtable Summary
    Runs will increase in value by 10-15% You will be able to process all drugs inside of a vehicle instead of having to process in batches Add cruise control Feds
    Bank rework: Will be a single vault 3mil base payout that increases with cop kills Will become a multi-stage event Hack into Bank Security system Plant bomb on vault Runs
    Blackmarkets will passively generate a small amount of fully processed drugs for the associated market (i.e. Weed Blackmarket will produce Hash) You will have to cap the Blackmarket to begin passive generation Will require a server population of 50 to start generating Cap will be 120 items at 1 item per min. Players will have to unseal the drugs from blackmarket Server will still recive a notification when blackmarket is being caped or un-sealed  Notification will not be PC for APD You will not be able to cap the blackmarket while it is being un-sealed APD Roundtable
    PO Hummingbirds: Limited to 1 Can only have 1 PO Hummingbird at a time Higher ranking officers may pull additional aerial vehicles at their discretion & do not affect eligibility for PO Hummingbird Can be utilized for patrol however raiding redzones requires PC/Corporal+ Items/Weapons to PO+: Bipods MXC CMR Hunter/Strider glass/armour buff: All Hunter/Strider on the server will receive a glass/armour buff proportional to the Ifrit  
    You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:
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