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Everything posted by RetecI

  1. Its tyler, Im going to UGA for college
  2. I have a life unlike you
  3. RetecI


    @Stuffy I thank u for this I do not like the rat RABID
  4. smh all u do is camp warzone
  5. RetecI


    Merry Christmas, @PUG hope you have a great birthday
  6. Merry Christmas, Hope every one of you have a great Christmas, God bless Yall.
  7. love u maddox
  8. @Mason Harrison this server is dying more and more everyday and I think this would be a great change
  9. How do you guys feel about having one new crime majors that is APD Evidence Locker simliar to bank and federal reserve but in this case you get cop weapons?
  10. Is there a way you developers who ever the hell make the game to add more rebel guns, The ones in the rebel outpost has been there for so many years. Great developers
  11. @Strae @Masoooooooooon thank u
  12. I had a question, when I log onto olympus and see the changelogs on the updates and what changed in the game I cant seem to find it on the website. I looked at the updates and announcements and saw that their was no updates on the game.
  13. I just need some opinion on this, I think when gangs or people doing the bank robbery, People shouldn't be able to interfere (citizens) It ruins it the whole point of a bank robbery because you have almost the whole sever killing you
  14. @Monks I just feel like the bank is too spread and like too many buildings you know.
  15. I had a very good suggestion, I dont know if you guys can add certain things in the map but what if the admins/Developers reworked the bank or federal reverse because it is the same thing everytime you do it. Another suggestion( these are just considerations) but maybe adding more majors, for example you guys have a blackwater, bank and even a federal reserve what if there was like a Lab that you had to rob to get drugs. Again I dont know if they can change the map but I would love to see this
  16. @Grandma Gary U mean mav kisses boys?
  17. @Masoooooooooonit was the goat
  18. @ThatNerdyGuy It wasnt a perm I evaded, I evaded a 10 day ban
  19. I had a question if you community or staff can answer. If you get permed is that forever? Say if you get ban for ban evading ur 10 day ban is there a possibility that you could play again. In my opinion I think they should do a mass unban every year
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