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Everything posted by -BATMAN-

  1. My friend, I sent you a private message a while ago. Please read it.
  2. -BATMAN-

    buy garage

  3. Hello everyone, I want to know who owns the garage near Wade Field please. I want to buy it if you want to sell it.
  4. What does the Kurdish have to do with this? Secondly, fuck you and the Kurdish, hahahahaha
  5. I told everyone that these admins should be banned, the policeman was banned because he did not abide by the law and could not protect his friend the admin
  6. We submitted a report but it said they should use it more than once haha I'm sure if I submit a second video they will say it should be the same player name or they will say they should use it a third time. The problem is that they are acquaintances in the city they live in or they may have become friends on social media and this is what ruins the server. I don't care anymore to be honest. I play on another great server where there is no such garbage.
  7. You're like someone who spits and licks it back. Continue.
  8. The fart smell is getting worse. Back off, I don't want you to even talk about it. Who cares about an insect like you?
  9. Look how you weren't racist with your response, at least I gave you a lesson in manners, thank me later. Sorry, you're not a shoe shiner. You're a shoe licker apparently hahahahaha to please the manager. How about you talk about the topic of the post or keep quiet?
  10. Even the admin in the Nemesهs gang admitted that two of his gang members use scripting. I smell a fart, please shut your mouth. This is not a racist comment. I smell a fart, please shut your mouth you stupid American. This is a racist comment. It seems that you lack manners and morals. They did not raise you well. It is your parents' fault In my country, they call you a shoe shiner, to gain favor
  11. See that my friend was right when he said that you are the best admin in the server!!! At least one of the admins admitted that this gang is actually using scripting Tell us more what your gang is doing to the server from hacking the rules?? This is only when you are there and you saw two of them using scripting and you knew that what else do they do when you are out of the game? You did not talk about the lag of jumping from a helicopter at a height of 50 meters. Is it scripting or exploiting lag in the game? You can go back and watch them how many times they do it. I have two videos of them doing this and they were not banned. Thank you for your honesty that silenced all the other biased admins who did not say anything against this cheating gang that is destroying the server. You are the best. Continue with that, my friend.
  12. I respect and love the Turks, in my gang they are all my friends, at least they don't tell you that you are not Turkish and they are racist towards you, but how do you understand a stupid, bigoted, disabled person who is hated even by his family, who puts a Donald Trump background, doesn't know where you are from and tells you that you are a stupid Turk and thinks that he is insulting you, hahahahaha, he doesn't know that I am from a country where a small child is born and his diaper is more valuable than his family's entire clothes, hahahahaha Don't care about him, he's a disabled fanatic, even his family hates him because of his stupidity. I respect all nationalities, we're all human, but this idiot tries to insult me when he says I'm Turkish, but he doesn't succeed because he's an idiot. I don't know how they give such an idiot any position in management?? Instead of looking at jumping out of a plane and the Nemesis gang exploiting this bug in the game. He'd rather say about me that I'm a stupid Turk. Hahahahaha They hand over the management to stupid children, and they regret why the server is heading to destruction.
  13. Where are the Turks, you squint-handicapped man?
  14. You are talking to a racist idiot, don't bother, didn't you see that I didn't pay any attention to him because he is an arrogant idiot. He left the whole subject and all this cheating and jumped to tell you that Turks are stupid haha I have made a whole post about the idiots who are constantly trying to annoy people with false conflicts in order to intimidate and deceive new players and which alliance they are following the administration. You can follow the posts in the forum. I hope you stay on topic with this post.
  15. they said its a bug so you can do it any time you want
  16. At least watch them like you did with Rodman if you like or have the authority call me so I can show you with your own eyes. They did it again today, Spearman got off the plane without dying and they're getting away with it. Can you explain what you mean more precisely?
  17. So why are you talking? And responding, and where did you get your ideas about what I posted if you didn't watch the video we are discussing in the first place? You know what, please don't post anything, you are wasting our time here. I will not respond to you with anything anymore. Enough with your fooling around.
  18. We are now talking about the clip that you posted. This person did not die and will not die even if a thousand bullets were fired at him after he landed from the helicopter like Spearman on the ground.
  19. bullshit. What did this person mean when he said "he wouldn't have died immediately after from bullets"?
  20. Do you know what bias is here: A person like you who is an employee as a developer in the game. That is, you have great knowledge of the game and are quite intelligent, when he sees such a video, an old person in the game who knows all its mistakes and how to exploit these mistakes, jumps to a height of about 30-50 meters in order to fight one of the people and speed up before he stores his machine. He does not know that this jump will kill him immediately. But he prayed to God and He answered him by chance, as this old mistake was activated, which was fixed about years ago. And a person like you comes and fools everyone to say that you are looking for his intentions, whether this is the first time or not. With all due respect to you, I tell you to shut your damn mouth, you idiot. With all due respect to you, of course. You are a damn biased person.
  21. So instead of solving the problem and admitting you made a mistake and showed the community how biased you are towards some players. Is it your girlfriend who is exploiting this mistake? Let's say it's not cheating or using a hack, but rather using bug in the game as you said: Let's go back to the respectable server law that you and your biased peers are supposed to respect. In Chapter 22: Miscellaneous Exploiting is considered as abusing an in-game bug or using a game mechanic in a way that it's not intended to be used. Vaulting/retraining/escorting through windows is exploiting Why didn't you ban him even though he knows and you know that it's exploiting mistakes and he shouldn't be banned for a day only, but he should be banned permanently because he is exploiting a big mistake to kill players and outperform them? I ask again, is he your girlfriend? What did your dear administration do to a person named RODMAN who was permanently banned even though you did not prove that he was using any hacking program but you monitored him and banned him immediately why don't you do that to these players who are your friends or could be responsible with you in the administration? So for all the players of the server you are allowed to use this bug because it is a mistake of the game and not your mistake hahahahaha and we will all after used this bug reported to Bohemia This is because you are not their best friend or one of their gang members my friend. Or because you are not working as an administrator without a salary, so you get a bonus that you can fuck as many new unsupported players as you want. Apply for free to work in the administration and you will be able to do whatever you want, but not to the administrative players or their friends. "No, the original video isn't a cheat, this is a bug and has been reported to Bohemia." Where is the original video and how did you git it ? are you the player who jump from heli ? are you pride from Nemesis ?
  22. We love this server very much with the great moderators in it they are really fair. But there are some intruders who are trying to destroy this server using hacks and bias towards friends and not being fair to the normal players in it. This is what I am trying to make them wake up before the server is destroyed completely.
  23. My friend, your statement is definitely wrong: they weren't banned for even 10 minutes!
  24. I will ignore your stupidity and respond to this comment objectively because I doubt your intentions: you're either one of his friends defending him or just so stupid it's beyond comprehension. 1 - For your very shallow information, according to the server rules, if you're not engaged with the person piloting the aircraft and you're outside the red zone, you must fire three warning shots before engaging. That’s why the aim seemed bad here. 2 - If you would simply look at the video at 2:34, you’d see how the second aircraft was taken down with a single shot, you idiot. Does this indicate poor gameplay, and that's why you resort to crying about cheating in the game? "If there were a stupidity competition, you'd win... but only by accident!"
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