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Johnny B Lake

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Everything posted by Johnny B Lake

  1. Works for me, I record 100% of my gameplay for youtube so having a recording of the entire incident is never an issue
  2. Thanks [W]. Guess I was confused since I expected to see a forum for it, lol. Only posted after confirming I didn't need to whitelist as a civ (since apparently that was a thing lol).
  3. Howdy, Johnny B Lake here after about a year. Seems I always come back to ARMA lol. I'm still not playing regularly, but regularly enough I wanted to check the forums and get back up to date on rules and laws. One question, where do I report RDM (with video evidence)? I don't see a forum for it. Thanks and Hi all
  4. I play 3 servers. They are my favorite three. This is one of them.
  5. Kidney's 4TW!! Fix em
  6. I've kind of wondered about guns as well.
  7. Isn't that the point? How else would I get to rob you?
  8. Attention? Hah shit, Ebzekro, it was someone else altogether who asked initially about your donations. You're fine yo, haters gonna hate, don't sweat em!~
  9. Yeah, I've got 3 ticket still open from the 7th and 8th. If they're in regards to a player, I think they remain open until someone's had a chance to speak with the person. Can't begin to imagine how many tickets they get though either, lol.
  10. I'm cheap so I use a lot of Rooks and PDW's. When I'm going more high end, I get a Katiba cause they kick ass, but are still cheaper than MK18
  11. Much <3 for the people making this happen! Admins, Staff, APD, EMS!~ W/o y'all, we'd be walking around an island with nothing in it
  12. FX6840 Intel i7 Quad Core @ 2.93GHz 8 GB Ram 1TB SATA HDD AMD Radeon HD 5700 I run the game at 1600x900 and generally get about about 40-60FPS, unless I've got FRAPS running, which I normally do and that drops me to 20-30FPS. I don't know if this was ever fixed, but ARMA 3 did not take into account additional CPU's before, so I have an additional launch option setup in Steam to run ARMA 3 with Quad Core (-cpuCount=4). Helped a ton!~
  13. Hah, Even with my rebel license I've been playing with vigilante's in Kavala, having to protect the streets each time APD moves out, LoL!!
  14. Hah Marbles, I may just have to change my tune around here. I still use a rebel license (for now), but I've been looking more and more at that vigilante license. Also been doing some legal jobs, which is new for me, LoL!
  15. Howdy y'all, Johnny B Lake here, just stopping by to say hi. If you've seen me throughout the world, you may know how crazy I am already. Johnny B Lake's my in-game name, I'm 33 and I'm a rebel, yet, I have no problem using my stolen police cruiser to take down bad guys like a vigilante. I'm good, I'm bad, I'm me, so come get to know me. When I'm not selling drugs, diamonds, or chopped cars, I'm normally strolling the streets of Kavala. Nice to meet y'all!~ Johnny
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