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About Badger_72

  • Birthday 09/10/2005

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Fuck you D=<
  2. I got called a fragger =D
  3. o7 my friend
  4. Best 4 dollars ever spent
  5. AAAB (All admins are bad) Hear me out, all admins deserve a beheading Isis style because of the fact that my comp request took more than 2 hours. FUCK YOU ALL. Your customer service is horrible, and I hope you die in a fire. Fuck you all. (This is satire I promise)
  6. tarquanda winning 10 mil at the casino after gambling 30 mil away
  7. I'd say this gang is a solid 112/1 and it's bussin and shit yeah its pretty cool i fucking hate CTF they smell and we push caps and frag retards yeah its cool yeah
  8. Yeah that Mikado guy is such a scumbag. Why would he camp Therisa so much? Fuck that guy. Fuck their whole gang. Vigi virgins.
  9. I can be PDUB kit and it will happen to me sometimes lol. IDK why.
  10. Wanted to know if this is just a me problem, but it seems a solid 1 out of 5 times I log on, my backpack disappears from existence. I get a message saying, "You were carrying too much stuff so some was put on the ground!" It's a bit annoying and I was just wondering if its just a me issue or not.
  11. Yes, free him so when he gets unbanned I can submit my countless RDM clips and my countless fail RP clips on him.
  12. As leader of TLP, everything said here is true. Stonebreaker was one hell of a cool dude. Whether you like the TLP or not, you can't deny the fact that he was a chill guy like most of us. He just wanted to have fun and get a good laugh in and playing on this server did just that for him. It's a shame that his life had to be cut short. You will be missed Stone.
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