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Status Replies posted by Rise

  1. free catholic boy @ Rise

    1. Rise


      it would be highly appreciated 🙂

  2. The things you seek in the world you will only find in Christ.

    1) Peace of Mind, In the past months from the early parts of August to September, I took a break from gaming because I was literally getting demonically attacked, wicked thoughts were coming my head that I could not control and it put me in a complete state of destruction, I didn't leave the house, I couldn't go to sleep without taking a xanax, and if I did not have weed (even when I did to be honest) I would be in a state of pain and torment all day because of thoughts that were just plaguing me and they weren't even of me, they were straight from the pit of hell. On Sep 16, 2020, this is when I discovered Christ is truly real, because I TRULY surrendered to him with my heart having the intent of it, and he did what THE BIBLE says he does. 1. You have a renewed mind and heart, 2. Your heart and desires of your heart change to the desires of the Lord, and you are changed to LOVE others, even the ones who have done the WORST to you, you are at ease to forgive others, and you are completely changed in general. 3. You have CONFIDENCE in your salvation and are at a peace of mind.

    (This is done all through the promises of the Bible, that says that when we surrender we are given The Holy Ghost, which DOES all of these changes, these changes came over night, my addiction to weed that was severe DISAPPEARED that day until now, I cannot even remember what it feels like to be high, God does amazing work that is ONLY supernatural and not through any persons own doing is any of this done.) 


    2) Freed from the slavery to sin

    Before I came to Christ, I was worthy (still am, the wages of sin is death) to be struck down by the Lord in this world and cast into hell when I faced him, yet his ABUNDANT mercy that exceeds INFINITELY, so he let me live until the day i came to him, and when this happened, EVERYTHING stopped. I stopped hating others, I was loving rather than hating, I LOVED to serve the Lord, only through the Grace of God and The Holy Spirit which is PROMISED that we will receive once we are born again (meaning a change of the mind, renewal of the heart, that loves righteousness rather than darkness) in Scripture, I stopped swearing, I stopped losing it on people, I gained self control, I was able to Stay off of pornography for TEN days even though I have a 4 year addiction, I have never been able to stay away from it for that long and through GOD and GOD alone, I was able to fight it with barely any temptations.


    To sum it up, you will NEVER find what you strive for in this world, call out to the Lord Jesus Christ, confess that he is Lord and savior and that you trust in his mercy, confess that you have sinned against him and you are ready to live for him, and he WILL NOT turn his back on you.


    "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. 13 For t“everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
    Romans 10:12-13

    1. Rise


      Amen bro, but im just wondering, what happened on the 11th day

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. selling @RiseAvATAR kidney 1m or best offer kidney.thumb.jpg.9193fbc35df53db4ab26ad0b223aa36c.jpg

    1. Rise


      bro 1mil a good deal, actually something that works ahaha, cheers chadd

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Split Sinity gang funds with the fighting gangs (Teamplayers, SFA, IX) so fights can thrive 

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