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Everything posted by temoxity

  1. Mk1 tasers sold No dms but down to sell the 2 mar10s
  2. Sure ill be on at around 3 MST Also have 3 rpgs to sell
  3. 4x Mar10 lethal 1x Mar10 taser 4x MK1 Tasers
  4. ill give market price!
  5. 4m
  6. sure
  7. 1m
  8. temoxity

    Dp25 3c

    Selling 3 crater dp25 house send offers
  9. temoxity

    Selling GHAWK

  10. temoxity


    Looking to buy unarmed huron if anyone wants to get rid of one
  11. Get me athira 4 craters
  12. Offers?
  13. Its the one in the middle square with the atm. It is fully upgraded and im taking offers
  14. temoxity

    price check

    I sold 3 for 2m each this week
  15. Taking offers
  16. Brady#3021 selling tasers
  17. I'll take both
  18. 2
  19. 1.9
  20. temoxity


    I sell mar10 taser 2m
  21. Bump
  22. Selling DP25 and DP24 2 crater, taking offers
  23. Price?
  24. Message me what you have and a price
  25. I take all taser if you can wait 4 hours
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