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Everything posted by temoxity

  1. thank you sir
  2. and youre way too overweight
  3. 2.5m each dm me fat bitches
  4. temoxity

    WTB ghawks

    I got 2 how much you paying
  5. you can have mine for 15k each
  6. Price for all? Poor and fat
  7. about time to log in so i can pay my houses that i havent used in almost a year
  8. selling ghawks to pay for my houses
  9. Cyrus price?
  10. How much you paying for mk1 and type
  11. temoxity

    WTB Tasers

    Type tasers?
  12. temoxity

    WTB Tasers

    how much you paying for mk1
  13. Selling 1063 WPs best offer gets it
  14. Hmu when you have money ill be around a little bit just need money to pay my houses
  15. How much for 10 launcher and 100 rocket
  16. got 3 hawks if you suck my cock i might sell them to you
  17. how much you pay for mk1 tasers and pcovs?
  18. temoxity


    Price for 338 sup
  19. Selling 2x 3c and a 4c
  20. Might sell you three if I ever care to log onto arma
  21. How much each
  22. Admins are fat and are making it so I can no longer own all the houses in athira so I am selling them. Pm me offers
  23. My friend isn't allowed to play the server? Also can I get a date so I can get houses shuffled around Lastly nearly all of my gang has linked ips is this going to be a problem with houses?
  24. so your telling me i have to give a friend my vigi account to a friend so he can keep my houses for me?
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