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Everything posted by temoxity

  1. temoxity

    DP25 3C

    Taking Offers
  2. Taking offers
  3. temoxity

    DP14 4C

    Taking Offers
  4. Perfect location for nerds to camp rebel
  5. Perfect for Moonshine, taking offers https://gyazo.com/a29494f8c71e2441e1e9edae8aa3d81f https://gyazo.com/d00a2c40445bc2d08c9815ff95fe8af4
  6. temoxity

    DP25 3C

    Virtual Fully Upgraded 2km away from Moonshine Pro https://gyazo.com/d6993999277813dbca017ca675291dc3 https://gyazo.com/74ceba39c7ee82036748efd396fad491
  7. temoxity


    DP14 4C on hold
  8. temoxity


    bmiover30#3021 add
  9. temoxity


    DP6 4C - 4m DP3 Fully Upgraded - 3.8m DP14 4C Virtual Fully Upgraded - 5m DP25 3C Virtual Fully Upgraded (Closest house in dp25 to moonshine pro) - 10m obo DP24 Garage - 3m obo Kalithea 4C Fully Upgraded - Taking offers Kalithea 3c Virtual Fully Upgraded - Taking Offers AT Offroad - Taking offers MX Tasers - 400k but will negotiate Sting Tasers - 200k but will negotiate WPS - 14k each
  10. 700k
  11. 500k
  12. i got a 4c for 3.5m
  13. also selling dp24 garage and dp6 4c
  14. MX Tasers Sting Tasers 1x CMR Taser P07 Tasers 4-Five Tasers Spike Strips Stones AT Offroad Pygros 4C Paros (DP14) 4C Agios Dionysios (DP11) Garage Kalithea 4C and 3C Galati (DP5) 3C DM on discord for more information bmiover30#3021
  15. dp17 4c sold
  16. Dp5 3c on hold
  17. Beachside house sold
  18. sold dp25 2c
  19. also have wps for sale for 12k per
  20. Selakano (DP25) 2C Paros (DP14) 4C Molos (DP17) 4C Agios Dionysios (DP11) Garage Kalithea 4C and 3C Zaros (DP9) 4C and Garage Attached 300m from Gang Base Zaros (DP9) 4C and Garage Attached 700m from Cocaine Processor Galati (DP5) 3C https://gyazo.com/3377f66d5a096135816ec2da01af45e9 some random beach side 3c
  21. temoxity


  22. temoxity


    Also have a few po7 tasers
  23. temoxity


    Trade me for your huron plus ill pay a bit of cash
  24. temoxity


    Dm on discord bmiover30#3021 Dm on discord bmiover30#3021
  25. temoxity


    Stay mad, I am also the person selling these so I can set the price to what ever I want.
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