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Everything posted by Smackkk

  1. Its a game, idk why people are pressed about this - its pretty funny ngl
  2. I agree, it could be like a permanent title displayed below their name
  3. just wait till i take your most hated spot on the forums bitch
  4. you still riding my dick, weird ass mf, how you gonna call me a neckbeard when you never even got yo dick sucked - like its so sad ill pay for you to at this point bruh I feel bad
  5. you ride my dick a lot for someone whos paralyzed from the waist down
  6. apology not accepted but I will take 130million to sway my mind
  7. I agree this when improve the overall harassment and toxicity as well because the fat ass characters won't talk as much shit cause they know they'll get bullied for weeks
  8. chill, we don't even get titaned and you give good info on caps if you ever do titan us though, it will be a downvote mf smack don't like missiles coming at him
  9. There should be a weight limit or weigh cap at 245 pounds for owning a gang as I am not going to name any names but I know of one gang who has a minimum 380 pounds 5'3 leader, I think this will overall improve the harassments in game as gang leaders who aren't obese won't be called out on their weight and will improve the healthiness on Olympus, such as allowing people who want to be gang leader workout and slim down to the designated weight, taking mild feed back and suggestions supporting this topic, thankyou
  10. Can we all just look past the 3 k's in my username, its a complete coincidence
  11. proceeded to tell them that I was from the andromeda galaxy and on my space flight over to Earth, we moved so fast in the ship that I fused with every other passenger on board and that's why my blood and DNA are coming back as another person with a high bounty, got %50 off my ticket, also got pulled over with 1-2mil bounties and pretended to be plane inspectors while we were trying to rob them at airfield
  12. its drugcamper, and nah we just bought sdars to fuck around with them and they actually beam people, sdar fights under water last 30 fucking minutes though
  13. it beams on land too, trust
  14. Its literally a 30 meter beamer what can I say
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