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About RealMicha

  • Birthday 12/18/2000

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  1. Will be back Thursday homie! You know it I will be grinding away all day! I will be sure to hit you back up! Thank you sir!
  2. It is the best thing I could have ever experienced. I have been given so many opportunities most 19 year olds would not I highly recommend it.
  3. Hmm good offer but I think I may have to pass! Haha
  4. Imagine the military bending you over harder than you thought they could... I just experienced it.

  5. Very true
  6. Sorry no can do... lol that's how I lose my clearance. Thank you thank you!
  7. Hey everyone, So I just heard that South Park will me making a Pandemic Special of 1 hour long that will be going live on TV on Wednesday. So my question to all of you is do you watch South Park or not? If you do watch it when did you start watching it and if you don't watch South Park why don't you watch it?
  8. Hey Everyone, Since I figured I will be a part of this community long term. I thought I would introduce myself so you all get to know me a bit better. My name is Michael and I am 19 years old. I am currently enlisted in United States Air Force and my job is Nuclear Security. I started playing Arma back in 2016 which I played on servers that no longer exist now but I learned all the fundamentals on those servers. After that I had to take a break due to Basic Training and Tech School. Now that I am settled into my first base I figured I would get back into playing some Arma 3 and noticed that Olympus is STILL around after all this time! Anyways I hope you all enjoy your day and if you have any questions about the military feel free to message me!
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