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Moxi The Loli

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About Moxi The Loli

  • Birthday 06/28/2001

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  • Olympus Gang
    The Misters (T5)
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  1. Why does one simply... "Enjoy mild Drama beef" With a faction that is defenseless? I could understand the civilian beef, but with the RnR...? To comment on "Asking SRnR to address any issues because they'll just laugh it off" I don't recall the last time this has happened in my time within the faction, I'm not a senior but I'm still aware of how things work . Things get done rather quickly, meanwhile I see APD members with "See SAPD" Tags on TS on the daily... Not sure who's training these APD members or any of that, but the amount of IA's I've had on APD members who don't know any APD rules or the amount of times I've brought apd members into support about simple handbook instructions... Every time I've talked to "The highest ranking APD Officer online" when I've got a problem, it's shrugged off or I get told I'm wrong. Winters? You mean the guy nobody CAN interact with...? Nicole? The person who sits in their own channel 24/7 and doesn't socialize? It's pretty obvious who's active or not if you're playing just about everyday... Last time I spoke to @ Winters was... July 29th, 2022. Almost a year ago, and when was the last time any of the community saw him again...? Just curious. I don't usually negatively comment, but my lord.
  2. Soon enough @ PolarBear Soon... o7 my friend. Take care, and I hope things improve in the near future.
  3. Should be doing one onnnn... Wed at around 8pm EST if you wanna come by Much love o7 my man
  4. So uh... I wasn't in your post but like... The map of your houses? Yea?
  5. o7 My friend. I promise I'll post the hour and a half I had in support with you and the saudi arabian soon
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