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Everything posted by LilTrentino

  1. My kind sir I have yet to decide on a location on which i may settle in but if youd like to share with me which location these acres are in id love to put something in consideration. also dp17 would be cool
  2. hmu if anyone selling
  3. this new update making me lag hella 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LilTrentino


      its gone now but when the update first started I had bad lag in the shops probably just from loading things in

    3. Millennium


      It happened to me during the testing. It was only occuring to me of the 10+ ppl testing it. It also went away after a little bit

    4. LilTrentino


      yea its went away for me now

  4. Little late but wholesome gamer moment
  5. Oh god help this boy
  6. be thankful your addiction is over
  7. Get him back in the fight!!
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