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  1. Joe Biden won that debate fair and square.
  2. Yall bugging this sov dude has some nice tits.
  3. I'm more concerned of the fact there isin't an All of the Above option.
  4. To be fair changing your FOV isin't technically part of the game, if you go into the game settings there is no option for you to change FOV you have to manually go into in game files to change it. Addressing the comparison between game bugs and things that are "part of the game", things that are part of the game can also be a bug, for example quick peaking is in some instances abused to where you can't see the player quick peaking you because they peek too fast, is that a skill or is that cheating? It seems to me that there are multiple things in the game that are abused, but we only care about a few of them. Another example like looking through rocks and looking through walls, everyone knows people are looking through rocks and walls but no one really cares or reports it unless you see somebody actively "backpacking", and even then everybody does it. Also jumping into an infrit will cancel the animation of you getting into the infrit, jumping over an infrit can bug the game to where your character will be shielded by the infrit as you're jumping through the infrit making you invinsible for a second. My point is that if we are going to ignore many bugs that are abused and that you don't get banned for, why don't we allow DPI jumping with rules preventing it from being abused.
  5. Well, don't take this the wrong way, but If you are in an administrative position where your decision impacts a players ability to play on the server then maybe you should know what you're talking about.
  6. Now I know you know nothing about DPI jumping, first given you scenerio turning your DPI up to 100000000 and flicking your mouse will at times make you jump in place, on the other hand if you manage to jump and flick with your settings that high you will 99.98% of the time die. Two, you can have your DPI settings at it's lowest and still be able to DPI jump. Believe it or not it has nothing to do with how fast your DPI settings are if you want to use it tactically.
  7. You'd have to ban a lot of people if this is the way you wish you play the game.
  8. Then by that logic there are many things that can get you banned for example, chaning your fov on in-game folders, using an ifrit , quick peaking, looking trough rocks which in many instances is something we just ignore for some reason, so what does that even mean? Okay that's great but you're not telling my why it is a bad thing.
  9. What's unfair about DPI jumping, it's not like you can't. Also I'm not arguing that all aspects of DPI jumping should be abused, there should be some rules for it, but I think if you are jumping from one position to another to gain a positional advantage it shuldn't be a bannable offense when you can do the same thing.
  10. Let me give you an example if player (a) is fighting player (b) and player (a) dpi jumps behind a rock before play (b) sees him is player (a) cheating?
  11. I can say the same thing about people who are against this. You're a whinny little bitch who can't move you mouse 3cm to the direction the person is jumping to.
  12. No this is simply fasle, I believe that you can give your opinion on anything on the server on what ever you want , I just think you opinion holds more weight if you have more hours. Okay in good faith you damn well KOTH play style is nothing compared to the play style of Olympus servers, and or Atlis / Life servers to begin with. Having low hours doesn't nesseseraly mean you're bad at the game but it is a pretty good indicator of your skill level/ knowledge of the server environment. I wouldn't tell a conquest players who have over 800+ hours on conquest what works and what doesn't, I could have my opinion sure, but their word holds a lot more weight than mine.
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