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Blog Entries posted by Martinezzz

  1. Martinezzz
    APD Undercover Active Duty sAPD can go undercover which will mask their identity as a normal civilian  Undercover Agents can reveal/hide their identity at any time if required Only two undercovers can be active at a time Able change their in-game name at APD HQs in order to assist them in their role Undercovers have access to the normal civilians and rebel clothing at their store Undercovers will not have access to extra weapons beyond their standard arsenal Undercovers will have an additional tag only visible by APD members to differentiate them from Civilians Undercovers have methods of revealing themselves as an APD member Show Badge Can be displayed via Windows Key > Show Badge Shows the rank, real name and last 4 digits of player ID to the player the badge is presented to  Reveal Identity Changes players name back to real name, color and rank Conquest Titles (37 New Titles!) Civilian Titles Kill Titles (50) Conquistador (100) Certified Slayer (250) Questing Knight (500) Quest Lord (1000) Apex Predator Top Conquest Kills: The Dark Knight Comes with an exclusive Black Title Color Death Titles (50) Death Timer Observer (100) Anger Issues (250) Desk Slammer (500) HE'S TANKING! Top Conquest Deaths: Class Clown Capture Titles (10) Master of the SDAR (25) Logistical Genius (50) Flag Boy (100) Winning but not Spinning Top Conquest Flag Captures: Rat Capper SWAT Titles SWAT Exclusive Title Color Rank Titles SWAT Trainee SWAT Private SWAT Private First Class SWAT Corporal SWAT Specialist SWAT Sergeant SWAT Lieutenant SWAT Commander Kill Titles (50) Outgunned (100) Operator (250) Ifrit Ripper (500) Tracksuit Destroyer Top SWAT Kills: ***** Death Titles (50) Deep Breaths (100) Benched for Life (250) Born to Lose Top SWAT Deaths: Water Boy Capture Titles (10) Breacher (25) Assault Specialist (50) Back Capper Top SWAT Captures: PTFO Ignition Bombs Car bomb with similar explosive yield to speedbombs which will activate when the vehicle engine is turned on Costs: $750,000 Red flare to Pararescue+ Improved lighting at Sofia Hospital Texture Additions Prime Rib Gang Uniform @ Mason Harrison Medic Coast Guard Ghosthawk @ Mason Harrison APD Hazmat Suit @ sploding Dad Swag Uniform @ sploding Sand CSAT @ notsodank Great Wave Hummingbird @ notsodank Pararescue Hunter @ notsodank Conquest Wetsuit @ jig Water Elemental Qilin @ Masoooooooooon Water Elemental Hatchback @ maxg Noble Reborn Gang Uniform @ maxg Medic Coast Guard Orca @ maxg Welcome to Sofia Billboard @ Peterr Support Team Billboard @ Peterr Gang Texture Billboard @ Peterr Ability for players to treat other players using the new FAK+ and Virtual FAK Windows key on an player and the give button will either be "Treat Person" or "Give" depending if the player is below 75 hp and you do not have any normal FAK kits Changed:
    Revive Cost/Reward Revise: Revive cost for players under 10 hours is free Revive cost for new players is 50% off (7.5K) RnR medics receive an additional monetary according to their RnR rank Rank 2 (Basic Paramedic) = Payout + $1000 Rank 3 (Adv. Paramedic) = Payout + $2000 Rank 4 (S&R)= Payout + $3000 Rank 5 (Pararescue) = Payout + $4000 Rank 6+ (Supervisor) = Payout + $5000 Revise Certain Map Markers Certain markers have been adjusted to be more effective and better for performance Markers: Airdrop Marker  APD Escort Marker Pharmaceutical Marker Dope Crate Marker  Tracked Vehicles Revive Dispatch Markers Event Vehicles Stolen Vehicles Vehicles reported stolen will now be tracked by APD if they have tracking security If the vehicle does not have tracked security then the APD will only receive a marker from the last known location Group Member Markers Directional markers for group members Group Members in vehicles Deceased Group Members Gang base now has a 10 player cap Players who try to capture the gang base with more than 10 players will receive a cooldown which prevents them from capturing it again The Federal Reserve now has 1 additional vault within the North-East dome Only one of the two vaults can be active at once If one vault is finished, the other cannot be started until the federal event cooldown is finished Progress made towards repairing a vehicle will save in between attempts  If the vehicle is further damaged or moved, progress will be reset   Airdrop crates will be sealed upon landing  Civilians can unseal the airdrop through a 45 second action Food and Water degrades slowly by 1% each time rather than 10% Time between each update have been adjusted accordingly Updated Staff Intro to reflect recent promotions, congratulations! @ Doc  @ Martinezzz  @ Rafa @ Bubbaloo Burrito  @ Maddox  @ Peterr  @ Diamond_drop Revised APD Blackwater HQ Kavala Rebel Redesign  Rebel Boat Location  Reverted Cocaine Processor design  Minor changes to Jail Frog and Mushroom Processor walls are now destructible Athira Peach Field moved closer to city You can now give keys, items & cash to players without the need of using windows keys Cops can no longer exit/enter vehicles without unlocking the vehicle within conquest  You now earn 1 extra War Point when killing someone within 200 meters of a conquest capture point APD Unarmed Huron lowered from Lieutenant to Sergeant Conquest capture points captured by SWAT will now display SWAT rather than APD Corporals can now request airdrop at the APD market NPC Corporals can now authorize Jr. APD lethals during an active airdrop Civilians will now always spawn with at least 1 FAK+ when respawning Players attempting to load loadouts within conquest will not have to go through the progress bar action Players will now receive a warning before server time is adjusted to daytime Adjusted sync button position for APD weapon shop Players will have to confirm paying bail before having to pay bail Terminating Pharmaceutical will now apply the escort cooldown Adjusted vehicle variables for increased performance  FAK+ and virtual FAKs  Fixed:
    Olystar Qilin not available for Olympus+ Subscribers Not being able to access black-market gun store without a firearms license Weapon attachments not going attaching directly onto the weapon Using the Redgull hotkey will now use cupcakes SWAT not receiving notifications for gangs capturing Conquest points  Not being able to sell raw materials Civilians being able to capture cartels with the lower calibres than required (5.56+) PO Hex icon not working properly with APD Undercover Conquest flag not working properly  Titles getting unequipped improperly  APD Armed Plane texture not applying  Not being able to do certain actions whilst capturing the conquest capture points Terminate Escort action still showing after the Pharmaceutical truck has spawned SWAT not being able to access vehicle garages once they have captured the point Issues with some vehicle data not fetching properly  Killstreak not resetting when killed by a SWAT member Killing SWAT members not counting towards killstreaks Texture issues at Jail Street Cleaner title Mario Ifrit Donator Rank Vigi Clothing Abibas Uniform in the backpack slot instead of the clothing slot Removed:
    Texture Removal Pink CSAT Prada Gang Uniform  Charon Gang Uniform  S-TAC Gang Uniform  Traplords Gang Uniform  Jew Gang Uniform  Ironmaners Gang Uniform  District 12 Gang Vehicle  As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
    Hotfix 1 - 08/05/21:
    Titles Menu Locked - Cop --> Locked - APD Locked - Medic  --> Locked - RnR Ignition Bomb Weight 5 -> 15 APD Group Map Marker Colour RnR Group Map Marker Colour RnR DNR Red Colour Fixed:
    Not being able to spawn at gang bases Some Vehicle Markers being reversed Sending a message to a UC revels their actual name Duplicate Medical Assistance at Warzone Rebels Conquest Monthly Skin Binocular Looking at a UC would show their actual name Not being able to close casino GUI Rebel Clothing Issue Restrained players in vehicle colour not being orange Key Chain vehicle distance showing actual distance Two Hotzones Spawning at S2 Conquest Y-Menu Settings GUI Structure Interaction Menu Restrained by cop now shows "Handcuffed" at the top of the interaction menu and if restrained by civ it shows "Ziptied" Undercover kill message in the chat Removed:
    Ability for all players to see event vehicles on the map Duplicate RnR Coast Guard Orca Skin APD Vermin
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