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Everything posted by Zippy

  1. I definitely get alot more desync/lag since update and player count was raised
  2. Definitely the smoothest running one for me in terms of frame rate, desync etc..Although ever since this last BI update it ran like shit for me last night Not sure what was up
  3. Zippy


    I prefer the crusty feel but hey to each his own
  4. Zippy


    Welcome! I totally agree with you about running in groups. The few times I've done that it was the biggest clusterfuck ever lol What server do you play on?
  5. Zippy


    nah not really in my opinion. I usually check the market to see how much platinum or diamonds are worth and just do one of those. Fully upgraded off-road and you'll make plenty of dough
  6. Yeah I agree. Although I will say the friendliest one I met was BurBan Demon. He was pretty cool. Burban fugi is meh since he did rdm me for my hemmit but oh well it is just a game so I honestly didn't give a crap after a while
  7. Last night it took me about 3 tries to get in. First 2 times Arma 3 crashed while loading altis. Played this morning with no problem though
  8. Glad to hear it helped you out ?
  9. Welcome homeboy! Yes you are a nice guy that's why I gave you 200,000 dollars for the taxi ride the other day ;-)
  10. Well that's great for you. I had a deal with a higher up burban like the deal you have and he was still shooting at me from a helicopter on my drug runs. So yeah I'm a man of my word but not sure about them. Man I want to mention names so badly lol
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