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Everything posted by -666-

  1. hm for a ass pic rn
  2. i think we need to wipe the scammers @ Fefe @ monster jk love my babygirls
  3. You act like you can get it out our files and not make a new yt acct
  4. happy birthday!!! may geoguesser be with you 

  5. not a one of us helps bbc with a turf and aegis didn't help us at gang base if you going to misinform find another way
  6. ahh yes but not about us but quotes us
  7. are you such a sped that you dont remember what you've said?
  8. i would love to hear what we have done to get a permban to be honest with you we've been trying to do runs 95% of which of successful the other 5% you blow up you get mad and go to the forms with you hurt feelings you've been throwing shade for 2 WHOLE weeks now i ask you to respect an admins say and you don't and you keep on with you're bullshit you say you'd quit is john beard stops he's not in our gang yes he does group up with us but even them and to the original post neither bbc or aegis use our gang shed gang base and vis versa
  9. we don't use there shit they don't use our that simple you're quite literally mad that we have friends and you don't stfu go back to being gone nobody missed you except the people you pay to keep them around or other people that the community hates as example hawkg
  10. nobody cares to sum up this post we have friends you don't your mad cry harder
  11. get banned and make another forms post dying to read the reasons why its not you fault loser playing with sov wont make you get anymore friends glm reject
  12. had to remove the post so it cant get hurt all that matters is people heard it stay down @ The Sovereign had to get your staff butt buddys that you have by the balls to remove it because you cant stand someone clowning on you but you ight to do as you please kind of crazy if you wanna hear the diss message me lmao may be able to take it off from here but it will be on YouTube forever lmao
  13. lmao tmn stay gone bunch of random retards get off this dikes dick
  14. god damn you're a sped
  15. how can you say its about way more than our gang when for the past 2 weeks you've spent al your time fucking with us to only rvd our trucks and maybe get a few kill then directly quote our gang in this post your nothing but a pathological liar now onto point number 2 so in your own words people in other gangs shouldn't be able to play with each other? and bbc is their own gang we inv them into our group we have asked multiple times to join but we tax cartel cuts and they don't want that but who can blame them for it just because we are grouped up don't mean shit all I can say is simply get friends or don't don't care never said it wasnt but still event disruption no?
  16. you're a fucking idiot we fought gang base on our own even after ap used explosives and teamplayers dropping planes from the sky can you shut the fuck up and do something with you pathetic life nobody cares about your opinion and its quite sad how far we have gotten into your head
  17. I’ll buy the house rn let me know how much
  18. ill buy for 8
  19. Looking to buy juggernaut from the Halloween event
  20. happy birthday!!!!!!!!!


  21. -666-

    Wtb gear

    Looking for gear listed below type taser granit b grabit t 6.5 sups Stackable t4-t5
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