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No Name

Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by No Name

  1. No Name


    hm for 1 6.5sup?
  2. No Name

    Wtb gear

    i got swat bag
  3. No Name


    want 1 spar 16
  4. No Name


    ill buy 3 spar 16 for 1mil
  5. you chose the price of the vic !!YOU PAY UP FIRST IN FULL!!
  6. ill buy 2 teir 5 vests 1mil ea
  7. No Name

    Selling gear

    2 800k for type taser ea 2 900k for mk1 ea 2 800k spar-16s ea 2 poilot covs 200kea 2 mxm 500kea
  8. 5 4-five = 100kea 4 zubr = 100kea 9 p07 = 100kea 1 mxsw = 1.4mil 1 MAR 10 = 2.75mil
  9. 5 4-five = 100kea 4 zubr = 100kea 9 p07 = 100kea 1 mk-1 = 1.2milea 1 types = 950kea 1 mxsw = 1.4mil 1 MAR 10 = 2.75mil
  10. 7 4-five = 100kea 4 zubr = 100kea 9 p07 = 100kea 1 mxm = 600kea 1 mk-1 = 1.2milea 3 types = 950kea 1 mxsw = 1.4mil 1 MAR 10 = 2.75mil this is what I have left
  11. ik i was spectical abt that but went along with it
  12. well he technectly is but not running tags ??? makes no sense
  13. ok bet add my discord MX sold 2 45 sold ASP sold 11asp mags sold 1 police vest sold
  14. got you
  15. it was 50/50 so heu dropped half then i dropped the gun then he dropped the other half so i only got half of the price and i also neeeded to trade the PRG for moen too
  16. it sucks honestly if i did get a lot of hate i didnt care sicne this was rgiht and this is what they get for scamming me. And thank you for understanding and not hating
  17. got it
  18. mhm
  19. I recently just traded with i love VDM and sov
  20. Poilot coveralls sold 6.5 suppressor sold CMR sold
  21. Tasers: 1 CMR = 550k ea 9 4-five = 100kea 4 zubr = 100kea 9 p07 = 100kea 2 mxm = 600kea 1 mk-1 = 1.2milea 3 types = 950kea 1 mx = 350kea 1 mxsw = 1.4mil 1 MAR 10 = 2.75mil ------------------------------------ Suppressors: 1 6.5 stelth suppressor for 650k ------------------------------------ Ammo: 3 50Cal type 115 ammo = 300k ea 2 RPG-42 Rockets = offer? 11 12.7mm 10round mag= 15kea 7 .45 acp 6round cylinder (used in zubr) ----------------------------------- Clothing: 4 Full Ghillie semi arid CSAT = 50kea 2 Full Ghillie arid CSAT = 50ea 1 poilot coveralls = 250kea 1 fatigues urban CSAT = 40ea 3 poilice caps = offer? 3 rangemaster suits = offer? 4 tactical vests = offer? -------------------------------- Lethals: 1 ASP-1 Kir 12.7mm = 400kea -------------------------------- Discord: No Name.#4059 -------------------------------- Proof: ArmA 3 Screenshot 2022.03.26 - ‎- Photos (gyazo.com) ArmA 3 Screenshot 2022.03.26 - ‎- Photos (gyazo.com) ArmA 3 Screenshot 2022.03.26 - ‎- Photos (gyazo.com) ArmA 3 Screenshot 2022.03.26 - ‎- Photos (gyazo.com) ArmA 3 Screenshot 2022.03.26 - ‎- Photos (gyazo.com)
  22. This prerson named Deano scammed me for a type 115 taser and also my RPG with 4 rockets in there and he claimed my ifrit. I lost just about 3million from this and this shows that how shity people can really be.
  23. No Name


    ill buy 2 mx and 2 spar and 1 cmr 350k ea for mx and spar and 500k for CMR
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