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About Alpha

  • Birthday May 15

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  1. Hey Olympus, some of you may or may not know who i am but i quit pretty recently and decided to come back. When i did play on the server it wasn't for probably about 8-10 weeks. While i played i had lots of fun playing with real life friends and rp'ing in game. Not only did a small gang of about four people that i knew play on the server, one had been playing for over a year. This player was decently known I would say and was apart of the APD. His IGN was "Thatanos." The four people that i played with attended school with me and during school we have a one and a half hour block named advisory. Pretty much a study hall for kids who don't do there work (aka no future type of kids.) But if you do your work you can pretty much do w/e you want for an hour and a half... Public school op. Anyway so me and Thatanos decided to be the most cringe worthy nerds you could possibly think of and sit in the back of the room with headphones and laptops and play video games. The first and last time we did it was about a month, maybe two months ago and we tried to play on Olympus in school but to no avail. (If you play on a laptop props to you cause no way could i play at 20 fps.) But as the people who knew of Thatanos probably know he was perma'd for harassment. Now here's where it get extremely irrational. I hadn't played on olympus for a long time due to grinding out CsGo. But i heard that there was a reset in the server when i was talking to the other 3 people that i played on Olympus with in school and I wanted to start playing again. So I re-installed arma 3 and booted it up. I tried to join Olympus and was greeted with this mind boggling message. http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/535138274042372099/703A880B5F9542D1608DA3AE4EB64CEACB34F265/ I had no idea what was going on so i submitted a ticket and to be fair, Hades was far from understanding. He thought that i was Thatanos just buying another account and trying to play again but as the people of the [Tree] clan know. (If they are still around i have no idea, cant enter server. Even Moob and Co. would probably remember me cause i clapped like 6 of them in a gang war.) The community knows we are not the same person but because of that day at school, our ip's were connected so our GUID's were connected under the same IP making it look like it was one of Thatanos' accounts. Thatanos has never once seen any information to either of my two accounts. I own two copies of arma 3, one of which is banned from the Wasteland and KOTH servers hostile takeover. So i bought another copy when it was on-sale so i could play with the same group of irl friends when we wanted to play either of those gamemodes.(Banned on first account cause of spawn killing with a jet.[Rip level 61 KOTH profile]) Which is pretty irrelevant but hey w/e. Both accounts are banned from Olympus because of me playing with both accounts on my own ip address. (again looks like Thatanos because they took the GUID that was under the schools ip and then traced it to my home ip and then banned all accounts connected to my home ip. TL;DR Dont play with friends at a Lan party if you suspect them to break server rules cause every account connected to that IP will be banned even if proven other-wise. Too Long;Cant Read : http://i.imgur.com/b74AFnk.jpg (Humorous joke.) Forgot to add that nowhere in the rules or guidelines does it say that when a player is banned that they are permanently banned all accounts connected are banned other than the ban evasion rule which only applies to the player that was banned i assume. (Never banned once.)
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