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  1. today I took a couple of new players on an "Oil Run" with a Taru. New as in "Press U to unlock." kind of new. Went well but we got robbed on the second selling at the oil trader. Robber was fair, I asked he leave the other two's money cause they're new..he agreed. So got a couple new players about 100k each, and taught a fair bit about the mod (game) at the same time. The learning curve with this game is steep, and the grind from 20k until a million (a fun amount of money) is a bit tough. It took me many many fuck ups and mistakes to learn how to successfully make money at a reasonable rate. my point is hopefully this happens often enough....letting new players know more about the gameplay....like how even doing oil can be risky lol.
  2. Oh wow imagine if they're are the "super sized" heavy equipment!! Oh how I would love to climb a ladder to get in my vehicle. Hopefully it's "easy enough" to get altis on that! That jungle with some weather would be awsome!!
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