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Everything posted by Jolan

  1. When a shitty cop rams you and doesn't repair your car and just fucks off.

  2. Only losers vote no!
  3. It was fun for the most part. Well for the people who survived till the end. But we heard the rules clear as day because we muted TS or if someone was loud they were kicked from the channel. They were clear. We weren't salty we all knew we lost and joked about it. The fog was a difficult thing to deal with. We couldn't see anything 10ft away. But was fun wouldn't mind doing it again.
  4. In my personal opinion playing APD is more of a chore with constant RDM everywhere. It isn't even fun anymore, I used to enjoy playing with deputies in Kavala and RPing with people but now there isn;t even a chance because you're adding charges every minute or so to some people who play the game like it is wasteland. I am starting to get sick of this.

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    2. Jolan


      It's not that I don;t want to patrol, it is difficult to help players have a good time playing when there is fewer cops playing because they constantly get RDM'd and I would like some Deputies to get some ticketing done so they get a little used to it. It's just harder to deal with. If i saved every RDM recording I have I'd probably have a good 30-40 clips.

    3. Billcosbywarfare


      First off who says you and the deputies need to stay in kavala if not to many cops are on...... Go out patrol or stay in another main city like pygros!

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