ITT: People with infinite money pool whitelists dictating what players who have to spend hours of their real life farming for to be equivalent.
What's the point of Runs Council?
The majority of staff that make decisions DON'T even play. It was the same case when I was on council nearly a year and a half ago. It's gotten even worst with our 'COMMUNITY MANAGER' (aka Co-Owner role that needed to be played down to something charitable as not to upset the staff members with rent free tenure) making decisions without consulting anybody.
It's almost hilarious how every single thing that has been a benefit to this community is always nixed. Plane Runs quite literally changed the entire dynamic of the server. People were actually out and about, camping airfields, doing runs, saw entire fleets. You would see players flying ALL THE TIME. Yet the reason it was nerfed was because of the money potential.
Great. Now we have the same boring ass gameplay that we've had for five years. The addicts sit in the casino, people log for cartels and gang base, and everyone else just capitalizes on new players.
Plane Runs unironically provided a whole paradigm switch that you guys threw out because you were upset people could more easily afford MK1 kits as if the economy matters.
When has someone you known NOT had a MK1? They could have 50k, one of their buddies buys them a kit.
If you're so worried about 'exclusive' items from BW and other events then lock them behind a different currency you get for certain events. This bullshit conversation about Altis Dollars is ridiculous. You guys had no issue with the economy when staff members were inflicting a certain MISCONDUCT that only got remedied due to a leak.