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Big Boss Fredo

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Big Boss Fredo last won the day on September 15

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About Big Boss Fredo

  • Birthday April 11

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Olympian (4/7)



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  1. RIP tier 1 vigi meta 😞
    now I have to use one of the 200+ tasers I've collected OsS0u5I.png

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Cale


      I was on vigi council for awhile and made my way to corp during the time deps only could use pistols and corps only had t2 vests. The rule shouldn't be changed in the slightest, if you're running around on cop getting tased by a po7 you need to rethink some things as @ Sevro  said. Also tazing cops might be one of the most fun things to do on civ, no reason that vigis shouldn't be able to taze cops. As people have previously stated, cop is a straight money printer with pretty much no risk, if you're scared of "losing" money through your Y, maybe lay off the dope shots @ Element_  Also "infinite taser as long as you have money" would apply to any taser, just have the find the right seller. Only thing that I think would bring "balance" to this, if it needed to be changed (it doesn't) would be to make the vigi license cost more each time its stripped by the APD

    3. Boovin


      So crazy how people like @ Little Kev think nah cba applying for a job today gonna hop on Olympus and roleplay as a cop (again) and then spend all night losing shit to a dude with a p07 

    4. Clashingtin


      Olympus is my full time job idk what your talkijg about bro I make so much olympus money you wouldn’t even know what to do with 

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