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  1. Hey anyone know what's up. I had 3 storage boxes prior to a restart. And after it they where gone. And have been since. Around 10pm last night. I put in a bug report but have gotten nothing back :( help

  2. By letting people threw who seem like material. Like for example. During my first interview. Kratos said he really wanted me to get threw. Stuff like that. And it's to let people who aren't good at memorizing stuff. To get to "shadow," along with someone. And get to learn that way. To Jaden From what Travis said, Blizzard and I. Can never be cops. Over me expressing my opinion. Kinda lame. But ok. To elberate on it more. If you miss a majority of the questions. Then don't allow even the shadowing. But for example me. I missed 2 MAYBE 3. But even then it stuff I would learn while on the job. In-addition. How I work is. I can't explain to you how to do something. But I can do it. Like all the cop rules. You put me on the spot and ask me questions. Sure i'll know the staple. But that's it. You start making scenarios up that make it kinda hard to answer. I might get it i might not. But put me in the situation in-game. i'll nail it. Idk but that's how I work and I thinks it's unfair to allow people who can memorize for a little bit. Go do the test past. And then go in as a cop. And fail completely. You say, that I have attitude. But all I did is express my opinion. Did I yell or anything, no. I was claim and collected. I pointed out stuff that I saw fit. And I deal with RDM'ers and loggers all the time as a Vigi. So it's expected it will happen as a cop as well. Trust me I'm one of the nicest and funniest people you will meet. All i'm saying is let me prove you I know what i'm doing. Y'all blew me off after my interview. And when I tried to explain my self. Y'all could careless. You gotta understand that. Side note, why ban me off TS? The reason is this. "Love you, please write the rules." Like why? I did nothing to instigate a TS ban. Ty
  3. So today I did my second interview for my APD application. I failed both. However tho. I felt the system they use had flaws. I Then tried to speak to one of the moderators. We were having a civil conversation. Until one of the Admins (Travis). Came down and instantly started to be a dick. He dropped the he's a higher up card. And didn't let anyone speak, pretty much his word was final. It honestly was pissing my off but I stayed calm. And was nice. I was pointing out stuff life. "How some people will learn better for playing as a cop. Prior to just reading the APD handbook ( I did read it, 3 times.) And yet I failed my test. While in the TS both days. We and the others. Tested or quizzed each other. On stuff and made sure we knew what would be coming. Obviously that didn't help me. I tried to explain my past experience as playing cop on TheRevolutionGaming servers. And how I had months of "cop play," on those. There are cops you see on the servers. Who don't even seem to know what they are doing half the time. Reason is. They can memorize stuff for a little bit go into a interview and pass it but yet fail at it in-game. Me on the other hand. I'm a hands on learner. Always been, threw school I had issues with test and ect. Threw the fact I could never learn from just reading something and just going at it. And y'all need ot understand that some people just can't pass it for that soul reason. Now I understand that y'all made it "harder" to get into the APD since y'all have the bad cops that sneak by. And I for one am not one of those, "bad cops." I've played for months as a cop and know what I am doing. For y'all to base if the person is cop material or not off a interview on some questions you learn as playing a cop. And or memorizing the handbook. Is lame. What I'm saying is that there should be another way to see if they are cop material or not. Who does it hurt if you pass someone who missed a question of two on the interview? No one, why because you watch over them a little bit more carefully. If they fail to meet the standards. Then remove them. It's something we do at work. We hire someone, and give them a chance. Even if there new to it. And you know I was one of those people. And threw working there for 6 months. I'm not one of the best employees. And I think y'all should give other peoples chances like that. If they don't seem like cop material at all. In the interview. Then don't give them a chance. But I know for a fact. When I was in my interview I was funny and confident. Made it for the interviewer. All and all I hope a Admin reads this and understands what I am saying. Sincerely, Ben Dover
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