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Everything posted by vilkas

  1. idk emma threw it away
  2. btw im selling a mx tazer stolen from @ doubleueyeceekay himself at coke pro some months ago
  3. It's just sad that the freedom of speech amendment was revoked, so Sov's damming evidence never got shown to the general public.
  4. so is House a 14 y/o boy, or has this been proven wrong, I'm confused.
  5. vilkas

    Who won?

    This is gold
  6. i voted no (like 12 hours ago), luv from azov I don't hate you, I don't want you to leave, I'm just memeing, I like reading all the shit you start
  7. this reminds me of @ DylannS god tier post, so I think all the votes from that one should count towards this one.
  8. and tour of copenhagen + free tivoli pass
  9. plus kisses
  10. A30B invite
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