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  1. my bad thought he unrestrained you than you shot him. idk why you got banned than or have i seen the clip just what i was told.
  2. we came and unrestrained no rule breaks. except on your end just made you wait a little longer figured you needed time to cool off
  3. legit have skellys name in a hatch baiting me at salt shitter. dont have the clip of me unrestraining him but like you said 7k away let go 2 mins before you got unrestrained. if you had more than 3 braincells you wouldve had the 2 other guys shoot our guy while you were in restraints, but you waited till engagement was over and got unrestrained. enjoy the ban retard
  4. changing the story to match your side cause you want an unban. no one was in restraints at the time. He ran back from manure field to unrestrain you cause i left you at salt flats. your buddy was unrestrained before he even made it back to the airport. i have a clip of skelly back at the airport before i could reslam because you killed our dude.
  5. We had you both in restraints. I let your buddy go first than our guy unrestrained you just to be shot in the face. He's a dumbass for not taking your firing pin, but he was letting you go like 6-7 mins after the fight. If it was up to me i would've left you there for 15.
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