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Squeeze last won the day on May 28

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About Squeeze

  • Birthday 11/25/1997

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  1. This is probably a stretch question but how would i be able to speak with a head admin or someone who’s in charge of the admin side of the server to discuss potential duties within the server admin team? I would just like to ask a couple questions or so nothing to extensive! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Squeeze


      @ -Shawn-  i appreciate you reaching out and no i just have some question about your staff team as a whole. no complaints at all.  i didn’t know if you have sometime through out the week to vc? 

    3. -dante-


      I’m usually on late; like 10pm CST and after. If you’re around during those times I’d be happy to pull you and answer any questions I can. There are things that are private for reasons but anything I can answer for you I will. 

    4. Squeeze


      @ -Shawn-  absolutely understand and for sure i will message you whenever i get the chance and find out your availability. Thank you Mr Shawn! 

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