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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Blog Entries posted by Peter Long

  1. Peter Long
    General Stuff
    Cops have the black ARCO added SAPD Uniforms have been updated NLR distance increased to 1,500m to limit spawns New NLR monitor to warn players when they're potentially/most likely breaking NLR Will report to admins... Hospital Heal cost is now $1,000 Added some new optics/attachments/items to vigilante store Added Spar Variant 5.56mm Decreased Sting Price Potential fix for correcting BW map marker when door is repaired SHOULD not take damage while in jail Vehicle Interaction Menu has been slightly resized. Extra redgull/food/drink checks while restrained Keychains/seizing/impounding will now display the vehicles Display name and not Arma Classname New magazine refilling method to fix silent bullets Get split pay when doing cop actions up to 150m radius Cannot close out during combat/while being shot near/around/at. Civilian motorboats can be purchased New boats available for purchasing. Player marker now faces right direction while passenger in vehicles Cash & item pickup exploit fixed Player tags more reliable.. shouldn't show players 8km out.. Corn, Lithium, Yeast, Sugar, Mushrooms now able to be sold Cops can search vehicles at illegal gathering locations now and have a value returned... (heroin, frog, weed, phos, ephedra, cocaine) New Sofia HQ & Blackwater Outpost for APD. Anti-Ghosting Cartel/Black Market/Rebel feature added Gang Shed Stuff
    Can now lock/unlock all doors of the building using the shed menu (as well as using the 'u' key near the doors) Gang Rank 4 & up can upgrade the buildings storage/crates (uses gang funds) Gang Rank 3 & up can unlock crates/storage for all to use Gang Rank 1 & up can access crates without them being unlocked Gang Rank 1 & up can access storage without it being unlocked Gang Rank 5 Required to purchase a building (20m from gang funds) Gang sheds will delete crates & unlock in under 15 minutes if no gang members are on Will re-lock and re-setup crates if a member joins. First crate upgrade is 1m, 2nd is 2m, 3rd is 4m. 9 storage upgrades to 10,000 storage space at 1.5m/each upgrade 8 Members in gang required to purchase a shed  
    A huge shout-out to Jesse for the amount of work put into this update. Our Development team has put a lot of effort into this update, however Jesse is the MVP. 
    Hotfix ~7AM est 12/2/2016
    Looting other players backpack should be disabled again When trying to access an inventory you're not allowed to, it should no longer break everything like y-menu and such. Hotfix ~7AM est 12/3/2016
    Vigilante arresting fixed, no longer splits/loses bounty Cop arrest bounty splitting tweaked, % of bounty that gets split between nearby units changes depending on how many people are splitting it. If the bounty is being split between 1 person (you), you get the same value you would have before this update (0.4 * bounty) If it's being split between 2 players you still get (0.4 * bounty) each. So it's basically (0.8 * bounty / 2) If it's being split between 3 or more players you get (1.0 * bounty / # of players) Player stats tab added in y-menu Tweaks to Sofia HQ Slight optimization to dynamic loading of map object (more optimizations likely to come) Some decorative items prevented from spawning to maximize server performance.
  2. Peter Long
    Time for a massive update ladies and gentleman. Listed below are some things that you will see released in this update:
    Time for another massive objective for you nasty rebels to attack! Blackwater Weapons factory is the newest addition to our server. Much like a Jail or a Federal Reserve Robbery, the Blackwater Weapons factory will require all of your skills and tactics to successfully rob. If you can survive against the onslaught of the APD, and successfully defend your bomb plant for 25 minutes, you have an opportunity at getting some really nice gear. Rumor has it that you can even get some prototype gear, like the special carrier rigs, DMS scopes, and even and armed vehicle or 2. The more you rob, the more chances you have at getting great loot! However, let it be known that there is a minimum amount of APD that has to be on to rob the Factory, and 7 officers is nothing to bat an eyelash at.
    Possible Weapons:
    MK 1 MK 18 MK 200 Mar 10 (lethal version) ..... and some hidden treats..... Possible Weapon Attachments:
    Assorted Gun Accessories beyond what is currently available to rebels and the APD Bipods DMS scope Possible Vehicles Also:
    Armored Vehicles Armed Vehicles  
    APD Changes:
    Sgt vest update Chief Helm addition Paychecks revamped - You earn 2k more every 5 minutes when responding to a jail, federal reserve, or blackwater situation New Charges Killing APD members results in a larger bounty Charge added for placing bomb on blackwater Other charges added Gang Tiers changed:
    Rank 3 can no longer pull out gang funds Rank 4+ can pull gang funds  Fixes!
    DP Missions FIXED (both Civ and Medic) Hands up stuck glitch FIXED Vigi arresting FIXED House Trunk Sync Fix (maybe) Anti Air Fixed Now requires hacking terminal (purchasable at rebel) to hack Robbing Gas Stations fixed More Stuff!
    Difficulty for the mission changed (the auto marking of units on your map will no longer happen)  New Map marker Icon for yourself Missing item icons added VR Suits Business Suits Carrier Lite added to Rebel Shop Tactical View Disabled Side Chat disabled if you are dead PETER LONG GETS AN ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!  
    and more!!!!!
    Update will be released within 24 Hours!
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