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Everything posted by SumthingsFishy69

  1. Is downvoting the new upvoting?
  2. Just leave the jihad videos to armend. His videos were so moving the OS had to ban him out of fear.
  3. #BringBackAres2015
  4. Bojo is a pedophile. confirmed
  5. That makes even less sense...
  6. And for all that say we can't survive without moob... his mic was muted for almost have the battle not even realizing it lol, we still did very well with our communication
  7. I think I speak for all MC when I say we had an absolute blast with this event! I am so happy to have been able it participate in it. I really didnt think we could do it but thanks to grandma gary's poor aim we kick some butt;) Thank you Hades for the brilliant idea. Thank you Warfare and anyone else who helped manage it and thanks to all who participated=D
  8. My minds tellin me no. But my heart...
  9. Though I did have shadowplay running I did not save the video because I had no intention of reporting your friends. I lamented not saving it though, when I saw your post because instead of a long explanation I would have just linked it to show the good people of the jury how your friends were really behaving. Oh and he sure as hell was taking shots at the heli with his rook lol.
  10. You should really include the whole story if you are going to try to make others look bad. You left out the part where your buddies open fired on our heli before any rp was even engaged. I then engaged rp through text with you guys and set up a shooting position off the side of the road where you guys were driving. You guys then passed me where I was sitting, turned all the way around only to drive straight towards me and run me over. Then after you ran me over you jumped out and began shooting at me while I was downed. Lucky for me you are a terrible shot and I was able to serve a little justice. Oh and you also forgot to include the part where the other hemtt you were attempting to flee in was driven off a boat dock into the water to prevent us from getting it. So after all that do you expect me or anyone for that matter to feel the slightest bit of sympathy? Learn the rules, learn to role play and then maybe people will value your presence on the servers.
  11. Hades thank you for weighing in. I think that we all know that we have active staff but it is abundantly clear you guys are over worked. It is totally understandable if a staff member needs to take some RL time and cant tend to their assigned duties. However, this doesn't change the fact that the job still has to be done and in a timely matter. This means they should be temporarily replaced. I personally think that the requirements for becoming staff are way to high. You can't be in a gang? That requirement right there suggests that there is no way for someone who is in a gang to be able to set aside the RP side of the game and handle a real responsibility. Aside from that I have heard multiple times in this post about how one needs to receive this god like level of trust before you guys will even consider giving them something to do. You guys are eliminating a lot of willing and perfectly capable people from helping out. Don't get so hung up on making sure the person is perfect for the job before they even start. Give them some small tasks, see how they do, then go from there. It doesn't have to be a full time mentally draining job divided between the 10 of you. It can be a part time job divided between 20 people. After all it is only a volunteer position. As I have said, I have alot of experience assisting in management of a gaming community and I am very willing to help out but I'm not going to stop enjoying altis the way i like to play it just so Olympus can have a puritan staff member. -Fishy out
  12. Let me just go grab... anybody's wallet. That could be worked around in other words lol;)
  13. Dear lord, did you even read the thread?
  14. Ok so we have all established we don't want to move. We have all established that we like the Olympus community. We have all established a few more features might be nice. What are we going to do with this information. We all know the population is seriously hurting. We are the loyal fan base. What do we want to see happen?
  15. Of course its not that easy but letting the community burn out because "We have mission statement to keep" is ridiculous. Any change made to a server should be done with the intention of keeping/ putting asses in seats. Nerfing the economy was not a popular decision and its blatantly obvious because we cant even keep 2 servers half full now. And by staff I meant all around. I have 3 comp tickets that have been sitting idle for 3 days. That shows me that A) They don't give a fuck or B ) They are under staffed. I would really hope its not because they dont give a fuck. Take on a group of people to be in charge of only tickets/ appeals. I have done these jobs before for other communities so I know its possible to make happen. That's only one example.
  16. Well I don't think it's any secret that the low server populations isn't only temporary. Something needs to be done. More people are getting sick of the grind as the days go on. The RP is going out the window because everyone is running around like starving dogs. This is my first AL community i've fully invested myself in and i dont have any plan to leave but if there isn't a community to play with then what the hell am i and others of the same mindset supposed to do. Midget is one of these people. He is only trying to help. We need a new facelift in this community. Edit: More stuff to do is absolutely a step in the right direction but its not the only thing. We need MORE staff. Not better staff. More staff. You guys clearly need help. Start asking and you shall receive. Not trying to be a dick. Its a huge job to manage a community like this. Trying to take on the job between a few of you is not enough. You guys are great but you are in over your heads.
  17. Basically everything you need to know about gates has been said. Also the way your original post was worded it almost sounded like you were under the impression that people close the gates just so that somewhere someone is mildly inconvenienced by them. I don't believe that's the case. If some one did that just to mess with you they would more than likely be there to see you hit it. As it was stated, gates are closed by default when the server resets so unless someone stops to open it then they will remain closed. Get to know where the checkpoints are so that when you are flying down the MSR at breakneck speeds with the windows down and listening to Katy Perry you wont slam into the gate ruing your good time.
  18. Just out of curiosity Lively, was that when me (think I was goin under the name sharkbait that night) Peter Long, Birth Ctrl and a few others were fighting you guys and getting a bunch of randoms involved?
  19. I really don't have any issues with burban. They have always been a fun group to deal with whether its a hostage situation or terror or what have you but toad... I cant say this while "In uniform" but you have always been a thorn in my side. I seriously resent dealing with you because you immediately start off every situation with telling us how we are doing it wrong and how your "go pro" is running and that you will surely get me or us banned. You landed your MH-9 right in the middle of Kavala square and when I proceeded to carry out my duties as APD you exploded with rage and verbal abuse towards all the APD who could be so stupid to think that landing within 300m of a city was illegal. How the hell do you expect anyone to rp with that crap? I am so fed up with that bullshit so after seeing this post with you complaining we never rp i couldn't help but tell you how I really feel; with a filter of course;)
  20. For some reason my 1 million dollar bounty inspired me to break into a poorly performed Australian accent last night while being arrested lol
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