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Everything posted by N0T1M0THY

  1. @Fedot the player stats are kind of working my vehicols goes way down behind everything and for some reason i got a lot of min logged on one day


  2. @Fedot The stats page is broken with your new update you cant search!!!

    1. Fedot


      What's your ID

    2. N0T1M0THY



  3. Yes but what fixed it for a lot of people was going to the default allocater becuse they are both linked ArmA3Launcher -> Parameters -> Advanced (Tab) -> [+] Advanced -> Malloc Default Windows allocator (System) Intel TBB 3 allocator (tbb3malloc_bi) Intel TBB 4 allocator (tbb4malloc_bi) JEMalloc allocator (jemalloc_bi) NEDalloc allocator (nedmalloc_bi) tbbmalloc TCMalloc allocator (tcmalloc_bi)
  4. Frame drop is when your frames go to very low fps like 5 fps or 10 fps. Now usually this is automatically fixed by the game you are playing (dont get this confused with a lag spike). Now in this newest update it is broken due to a allocater. So this fix for again update 1.58 we switch back to a allocator that works so your frames will go back to normal. Also if you were just getting a frame drop in the new arma update is is most likely this kind of frame drop like were you play for 10 or 20 min then your frames go to nothing. Now there is also different kinds of frame drops but if it occurred When this update came out it is most likely because you are not using the arma defalt allocator. Now malloc is why but the allocater is the reason. Now this is a good build Joe you shouldn't be having problems but with this new update even with this build you will have problems. and if you have a CPU over clock and it is not showing up in here you should run some other programs that are more reliable not one that is in Bata like CPU-Z is a good one to look at if you are not sure if your oc is working. But if you know your oc is working and it isn't showing up in Geforce dont worry
  5. After the new update some people get frame drops after lets say 10 min of play there is ways to fix this issue and Bohemia is aware of this and I think they are going to fix this next patch. Some people are mistaken this as a memory leak witch it is not a memory leak memory leak is when the Ram goes to 100% usage because a program isnt letting go of them Memory. This is not that if you get 100% usage just randomly this will not fix that. This just fixes the newest update Fps Drop bug that happens only to some people. If this doesn't help you msg me in team speak or on the forms and i will be glad to help. So first off Follow these steps in the Arma 3 Launcher > Parameters > Advanced > Mallocuncheck the field If that didn't work or you just want to make sure then do this Go into steam > Library > Arma 3 > Properties > Set launch options Make sure there in nothing in there some things are alright to be in there so you may just have to mess around with what you have in here if you have parameters that you need This is all i found that worked it should stop the fps Drops in the latest update (1.58) again if it doesn't work msg me and i will try to help
  6. 76561198063155939 @Grandma Gary
  7. 76561198063155939
  8. Well its here now its to late hehehe
  9. Sorry talindor told me to put it here
  10. One sec its uploading
  11. APD at its finest lol talindor
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