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Blog Entries posted by Orgondo

  1. Orgondo
    Just like the last update, Jesse is recording our Civ Round Table Discussions for you all to watch and listen to so you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected, if it was rejected I will leave a time stamp in the section so you can go listen to the reasons as to why it was rejected.
    Proposed Warzone Rebel locations - https://imgur.com/a/5GWnr - To Be Determined. The time from bottleneck to Rebel to OG is 3 minutes with the new locations compared to 1 minute at the current. The time has been tripled to get gear and comeback making fighting someone fun again.
      MK200 mag price decrease and gun price decrease - Passed, Prices to be determined
      Arms cartel rotates between church and OG - Passed
      Personal GPS upgrade in vehicle shop under Security - Passed, Price to be determined
      Vehicle upgrades come into effect when selling a car. For example, if you sell a hatchback with Full insurance, Full Security and Tier 4, when you sell the car it gives you X% of the total value of all. - Passed
      Dope added to all clinics - Denied Discussion starts @1:50
      Blood bags added to clinics - Passed
      Blackfish price reduce - Passed, Price to be determined
      APD Facility - Denied Discussion starts @17:50
      Type 115 added to warpoint shop - Passed, point value to be determined
      Have an auto script that kicks players from group chat when in lobby during server restarts - Denied Discussion starts @20:35 
      VPN system that allowed players to use VPN under certain conditions - Denied. Discussion starts @9:30
      The Great Pyrgos Bridge - Denied Discussion starts @27:25  
    If anyone has any ideas or comments please feel free to msg me or leave a comment. If anyone has a Civ idea and Deadpool or I aren't around, please put on his spreadsheet so he can log it. Click Here
    If anyone is able to attend the Civ meetings on Saturdays, I encourage you to come and voice your ideas and opinions. 
    Link to the whole video is here
  2. Orgondo
    Just like the last update, Jesse is recording our Civ Round Table Discussions for you all to watch and listen to so you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected, if it was rejected I will leave a time stamp in the section so you can go listen to the reasons as to why it was rejected.
    Remove Compact NVG from Blackwater Loot Pool/Add to Shops. *Passed* Add Titans to Blackwater Loot Pool *Passed*
      Different Colored Mk1s/Scopes *Maybe*: As it stands now it is a 'No' simply because it would require a complete new menu UI however it wasn't shot down so potentially in the future when Devs have some extra time on their hand.
      Ability to turn off Flashing Cop Lights *Passed*: The way to do this is still not completely set in stone but at least we'll have the ability to now, as we all know doing a Fed or a BW at night is a straight headache with all the mass amounts of cop cars and all their flashing lights. 
      #r (Reply) Messaging System *Passed*: This is simply a way to quickly respond to someone that has texted you and or send a message to another player by just typing #r and or #t Orgondo 
      Confirmation Box for Purchasing a Gun while already having a gun equiped. *Passed* #DeadpoolCantListen Starts at 9:20
      Various Earplug Volumes *Passed*
      Cartel Cap Not Showing Contested at 100% *Fixed*
      Custom Character *In Testing*: Basically the Devs will test the custom characters out and see how they work with our messaging system, battlemetrics etc to see if there will be any potential risks and or complications with them. Currently no one is against the implication of the custom characters so wait and see what happens.
      Group Tags *Passed*: Not going to go into much detail on this because the implication of it is still being discussed so listen for yourselves and take it as you will. Starts at 11:45
      Bloodbags Purchasable in Dope Crates *Rejected: "No, pack your own stuff for battle"-Mercury Starts at 26:25. Potentially a addition in the future however. If you want to watch the whole meeting for yourself this is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By0lqv5cgQo
  3. Orgondo
    So Jesse is recording our Civ Round Table Discussions for you all to watch and listen to so you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. There is a APD and R&R Round table discussion as well however you will just be seeing the Civ side of things. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected, if it was rejected i will leave a time stamp in the section so you can go listen to the reasons as to why it was. A big thing for you guys to be aware of, this meeting Jesse forgot to turn on recording for himself that is why you can't hear any of his discussions unless it is through someone else's mic. Points that were mentioned at this meeting are the following:
    Gang Paychecks: Basically the gang leader could choose individual players or Gang Ranks as a whole to receive money daily to which the amount is chosen by the Gang Leader. Just a way to reward your members and use up some gang funds. *Passed*
      Confirmation Boxes: Nothing big, it's simply just a 'Are you sure' type of thing when you go to sell a vehicle in your garage or to Rob a Gas Station so you don't accidentally alert cops or prevent yourself from buying Redgulls etc. *Passed*
      Ability to turn in Contraband after 15mins: Most of you are aware of this issue where at 14:59 left in jail you are not able to turn in your contraband so all that time you just spent picking was for nothing. This change will allow you to still turn it in to get your time off your sentence but you obviously will not be able to continue picking. *Passed*
      Ability to see group/gang members on map while Processing/Picking: Quite simple and to the point, whenever you are processing or picking an item and you open the map you can not see any of your group/gang members until that Action has finished. *Passed*
      Redgull/House Search/Sieze Text: Whenever you pop a redgull or the notification pops up that a house is being seized it notifies you in the middle of your screen, the suggestions was to change the location of it because if you are looking through your Double Zoom in any scope it can block your view. *Rejected* (Jesse rejected this but his mic is not recorded) This is simply just not possible to move as it is a Bohemia thing and there is nothing Devs can do.
      Reduce CSAT Warpoint Cost to 4 from 5: Simple, reduce the cost of CSAT by 1. *Rejected* Discussion starts at 12:20.
      EpiPens Request from Gang mates show on Map: If your fellow gang mate dies and he 'Allows Epipen' it will show on the map via a marker. *Rejected* Discussion starts at 15:50
      Vehicle Warpoint Shop: Being able to purchase Ifirits, Hunters, Orcas at a Warpoint Shop. *Rejected* This was rejected however some potential future implementations were discussed, starts at 20:15
      Vigilantes at Gang Sheds and Warzone Island: Obviously we can not restrict players from going to certain parts of the map. *Rejected* There were ideas shared during this Heated discussion I will however let you guys take your two cents on the matter. Starts at 24:00 
      Pyrgos Pharmaceutical Location Moves, Cocaine Blackmarket and Pro moves, Shroom Field Move, Frog Pro Move: Sorry this was just basically all discussed as a whole, there is a potential map overhaul soon so not a lot of this was discussed with great detail. The beginning of all the discussion starts at 34:30
    Pyrgos Pharmaceutical Location Moves was turned down for now until the event has been done more and we have a more accurate assessment of whether it needs any changes, Jesse provided most of the potential new changes but his mic as previously stated is muted in the video. Those changes included: Repairing of Escort Vehicles without Toolkit however it takes a little while longer, Spawning Escort Vehicles with Movement Tier. GPS Jammer used to slow the Location Update to other Civs and APD.
      Goodbye to 3rips Cartel (North of Church)
      Tempest Device Self Processing: Different versions and ideas of this were discussed however were Rejected. You guys can listen to all the different ideas yourself and put your own input in the comments below. Starts at 55:45 Well that was the whole meeting guys, I know I was more detailed about some things more than others but this was a long post and wanted to get it other with already. If you have any comments or your own suggestions towards any ideas said in the meeting please comment them and myself and the Staff will definitely be looking into them as options.
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